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Direct Download Links for Adobe Photoshop/Premiere Elements 12

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Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 Direct Download Links, Premiere too


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94 thoughts on “Direct Download Links for Adobe Photoshop/Premiere Elements 12”

    • Yes, we heard about that – thank you Philippe. Fortunately that issue does not affect functionality, and these downloads of the new versions will run fully as free trials for 30 days until Adobe gets it sorted out.

  1. I’m a little miffed that Magic Extractor has been removed from Elements 12… I use iPhoto, but do some editing in Elements 9, and the Magic Extractor is my favorite tool, what options do I have?

  2. Hi I posted this question with another comment but it is probably best suited in this section..

    Could I get a download link for Photoshop Elements 6 Trial anywhere?

    Thank you!

  3. bought the new photoshop elements 12 and i’m not able to download it, not happy at all

    getting this error message:

    Access Denied
    You don’t have permission to access “…/AdobeProducts/PRE/11/win64/PremiereElements_11_WWEFDJ_win64.7z” on this server.
    Reference #18.9455b942.1383083996.2251c00

    please advise asap, need it for my meeting in the morning.

    • Hello Ahmed, it’s not our fault – the links do work. Please make sure you are carefully following the step-by-step download instructions given in the article (near the top of the page) and you should be fine… otherwise you will get that exact message.

      Then if you still have any difficulties, try a different web browser, another computer, or different Internet connection… Avoid Wi-Fi as it can be slow and/or unreliable; you are better off using a fast wired connection (with a cable).

  4. I just left this comment on Adobe PSE’s facebook page but would like to see what you and/or other readers on your site think,. The last version of PSE I used was PSE6. I have upgraded my laptop to Windows8 64bit and have read many negative comments about PSE12 and this version of Windows. I haven’t been able to really understand or pin down what these issues are. Does anyone have any opinions on this?

  5. I bought elements with premiere october 26, downloaded but had to refresh my pc and lost it, and I’ve misplaced my software. I do have my serial number etc. Can it be re-installed?

    • Yes Cheryl, just use the Elements 12 direct links above – the software is the same as what’s on your disc/DVD… After download and installation onto your computer, the program will prompt you to enter your valid purchased license key and you should be on your way.

  6. Tried several times to download and install Photoshop Elements 12 with no success. This is simply ridiculous!! I hope adobe’s elements 12 software works better than their dumb download services!

  7. Link not Accessed

    Access Denied
    You don’t have permission to access “…/AdobeProducts/PSE/12/win32/PhotoshopElements_12_LS25.exe” on this server.
    Reference #18.cdbc58ca.1388226267.1f5bb52

  8. I have also received this message trying to download CS5.5 Premium. It was working two weeks ago but now appears to have security issues

    • Not sure Andy, just tested these files again and everything continues to work perfectly here – the direct links all download fine. Try some of the previous suggestions above.

  9. I have paid $129.05 for the full version of PSE 12. I have downloaded it 6 times. I have taken off my antivirus checker.
    Error (101) project was interrupted. Have you got the disc space. Of course I have, I even had my counter checked.
    I am so disappointed, it has taken up my gigabytes and time, and still no results.

    • Welcome, thanks for your question… Generally we do not post the direct links for the updates, as those are incremental patches on top of the main (base) product downloaded here, not full new releases in themselves.

      The easiest way to get these minor updates is via the Help > Updates menu option, which does a straight download and patch for you.

  10. First of all thank u prodesign for this wonderful website. Im using this site since a while, and i think that its from mcdonalds bcoz I’M LOVIN IT…

    can u please also provide some serial no., as purchasing them is very costly… anyway thanx again for cs6 lightroom elements and cc downloads

  11. @R_Kelly

    That is great for someone who can get into the program.

    Yesterday my Premiere Elements 12 (purchased and installed last September 2013) was working fine (as always)

    But this morning it opened only to the “welcome screen.” It would not allow previous file upload or creation of new video file. No access to the editor at all and of course that means no access to the update menu within.

    Closed and tried to reopen — nothing but wait time.

    Uninstalled completely and reinstalled twice. No joy.

    I see others have found the update cures their “Editor won’t open” problem. so I would like to update the program to 12.1 — but how without access????????

    Just saying.

  12. I have Premiere Elements 11, and a few weeks ago I bought the CS6 Master Collection, which of course includes Premiere Pro CS6. I managed to open an Elements 11 project in Premiere Pro, but the transitions I used in this project are now gone. I found out that I used some of the NewBlueFX transitions that came with Premiere Elements 11. Is there any way to use the NewBlueFX transitions from Premiere Elements 11 within Premiere Pro CS6?

  13. Hello, I am still unable to get the full exe. When I downloaded Photoshop Elements 12 – Windows (1.1 GB): File 1, the file is only 1,506KB and when I try to run it I see an error message

    “The file archive part of Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 is missing. You need all parts in the same folder in order to extract Adobe Photoshop Elements 12. Please download all parts.”

    May you advice on what settings are wrong?

    • Well it sounds like you’ve only got File 1 (a small .EXE)… On Windows, you’ll also need File 2 – which is the big one (with a .7Z extension).

      Both files need to go into the same folder on your hard drive, and then run/open (double-click) the executable.

  14. @ProDesignTools

    Hi Prodesign , do you perhaps have the download links for Premiere Elements 12 updates? I can only find it up to Elements version 10 on adobe, and I need to download It to take it home to my Imac :)


  15. please if you don’t mind, post direct-links for available updates of Elements like Adobe CC 2014 and thank you so much, you’re a my hero!

  16. @ProDesignTools

    is this PRE update for 32-bits only? because i tried it on my 64-bit version of Premiere Elements and it says that “Premiere is not installed.”

    the update of Photoshop Elements worked just fine.

    Thank you so much for your effort!


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