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Win New Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro FREE with Our US$950 Giveaway!

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205 thoughts on “Win New Adobe Acrobat 11 Pro FREE with Our US$950 Giveaway!”

  1. I use Acrobat 6 for making graphic design and photography portfolios, multiple documents with graphics, photos and forms. It is a great asset to my business. The interface is simple and works.

    The files are clear, look like what I started with, secure and allow me to put my best foot forward when sending documents, proof sheets to my clients.

  2. I have a big personal PDF collection and I need to structure it:

    – add metadata (author, title, keywords)
    – make scanned PDF text searchable (OCR)
    – create tagged PDF
    – optimize their size
    – in some cases compare PDF to keep the most recent version
    – in some cases delete superfluous pages or edit some text
    – sometimes extract text and data for my working projects

    Adobe Acrobat XI will help me do all that.

  3. I am a wildlife artist and need to produce print-ready files for my print lab. I have trouble with crops and bleeds and would dearly love to be able to have Acrobat Pro to assist me in preparing files which show these bleed marks. Acrobat Pro is beyond my budget but I can dream……

  4. With Acrobat XI, I will continue creating effective learning modules with embedded Flash demonstrations and attached practice files. With Acrobat, we provide a full learning package in one file!

  5. I would like to convert several of the documents/forms I use in my home based business to PDF format, which I could have digitally signed. This would really make things more efficient and allow for easier storage and retrieval!

  6. I will use Acrobat XI to make user manuals for the websites I create for customers. I will also use it for my Not-For-Profit work; creating Flyers, Programs, manuals, interactive documents, etc…

  7. I will use it to upgrade my current Acrobat X. Since I haven’t actually seen the new version yet, I’m not at all certain what I will do differently, but I’m sure that there will be additional capabilities or ease-of-use features, so I’m looking forward to it.

  8. What I plan to do with Acrobat XI Pro is to hug a few trees by reducing the amount of printing I need to do by using forms creation, electronically signing my documents, emailing directly from inside Acrobat Pro, and storing my documents online so I can access them from anywhere.

  9. I think I will LOVE AcroXI! I push Acrobat X to the limit of its editing capabilities.

    And what could be better than a free copy of Adobe software?!

  10. I would use the enhanced features to digitise and index paperwork from the suppliers who still send me paper, add metadata to my existing PDFs.


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