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Win a Free Upgrade to Adobe Acrobat X (Acrobat 10) Pro

[UPDATE – Also see our new Holiday Creative Cloud 2024 Giveaway!]

With the official launch of Adobe Acrobat 10 (or Acrobat X) looking to be coming soon here!, it’s time to also launch our fall contest… And by popular request, this one is open to everyone in all countries of the world. This time we’re giving away a free upgrade to the new Acrobat X Pro (worth US$200-$300), and all you need to do for a chance to win the box sent to you is the following steps:

Win a Free Upgrade to New Adobe Acrobat X Pro

  1. Follow us on Twitter and/or Like us on Facebook – this will allow us to contact you if you win…
  2. Retweet this post by clicking on the green “retweet” button just above, and/or Share this post on Facebook by clicking the blue “Share” button next to that.
  3. Done.

It’s open worldwide until 11:59pm EDT on November 15, 2010, at which time we expect Acrobat X will be out (or close to being out)… The winner will be drawn at random from all fans and followers who have shared or retweeted this post (each reader can enter once on each). If you’re the winner, we’ll ship you the shiny new shrinkwrapped upgrade to Acrobat X Pro (from versions 7, 8, or 9; English) for free! We’ll contact you via Twitter or Facebook just to get your address for shipping, and then announce it back here with your first name and hometown. That’s all there is to it!

If you like, you can also leave a comment below with what you hope will be in Acrobat X, and how you plan to use it… Or, you can leave your thoughts at Adobe’s official feedback form and feature request “wishlist”

Acrobat is Adobe’s single biggest selling product, with over 44 million copies sold since 1993 – so there should be some good things in store for the 10th genera­tion. What new features and enhance­ments are you looking for or wishing to see? Of course, we’ll have the full scoop on AA10 right here the moment it’s out…

Speaking of giveaways, we’re also thrilled to announce the winners of our popular Photoshop Elements 9 Giveaway last month, each of whom will receive a brand new copy of PSE 9:

The winners of our September giveaway

Thank you again to all for participating and good luck this month!


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9 thoughts on “Win a Free Upgrade to Adobe Acrobat X (Acrobat 10) Pro”

  1. Adobe 9 Pro does a poor job of translating to Microsoft Word. I hope that with the new version “10” that the conversion is more accurate.

    • Hi Phillip, thank you for your comment. There are definitely some rough edges like this one you mention which can benefit from extra attention to make things easier and more streamlined…

      Let’s hope Adobe is listening to users like you to put together a new release that does very helpful things seamlessly.

      UPDATE (October 18th) – As you noted, version 9 and earlier did not do a terrific job at converting PDFs to HTML, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. However now Acrobat X is out – and one great improvement is that it now does excellent conversions from PDF to all of the above…

      See: What Are the Differences between Acrobat X (10) vs. 9, 8, & 7?

  2. Congratulations from the UK to Fiona & Shani :-)

    I am the other lucky winner of the PSE 9 competition :-) I have had the software for a couple of days now and I am loving it :-)

    PSE 9 does everything I want it to – and more – and I will have great fun over the next several months getting to grips with all the potential that is now available to me.

    I do not work for Adobe, I am just an ordinary amateur user who could not afford to update from PSE 6, but amazingly I was one of the three winners of the competition run by ProDesignTools. By the way these guys have been brilliant and I want to publicly thank them.

    Could ‘lightning strike twice’??? Probably not, but you never know :-)


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