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New Photoshop CS7(?) Camera Shake Reduction Feature: First Look

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Photoshop CC: Image Deblurring Finally Coming! [Sneak Video]


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21 thoughts on “New Photoshop CS7(?) Camera Shake Reduction Feature: First Look”

  1. Photoshop’s image deblurring new feature doesn’t appear all that good when one looks at the sky in the after photo.

    The sky in the after photo resembles either waves on the sea or crumbled blue paper.

    I’m not impressed in the least.

  2. @ProDesign

    You know what, you’re right. The angle at which the photo was taken deceived me into thinking it was the sky.

    Thanks for correcting me.

  3. Would I like deblurring? Are you kidding me? This seems impossible, and too good to be true if I hadn’t seen the pagoda before and after!

  4. Worth highlighting that this isn’t a ‘deblur’ tool – it’s only for camera shake. The difference is massive – the sample photos are shots that are in perfect focus, but have been taken with a slow shutter speed which moves pixels around.

    This is very different to photos that have missed focus; even though on quick glance they appear similar.

    I think a lot of people will be disappointed as people seem to think this will sharpen all out of focus photos….

    • Hey Jonny, good to see you again and thanks for your comment. You’re right – photos that were taken ‘out of focus’ in camera can’t really be deblurred later, though Photoshop’s Sharpening tools may help some… But with the meteoric rise of unsteadily-held smartphones as the leading photographic devices, it’s likely there are many many blurry shots out there that are correctable by reducing camera shake algorithmically after the fact, as demonstrated by this technology.

  5. Speaking “normal” photography – I fear that in the majority of situations the tool will fail to produce good enough results (at least in the first version)… That said, in some specific cases – and that even if it fails in 90% of times – it might be a real savior.

    As a forensic tool however – chances are that it will excel.

  6. Hi! Looking forward to playing! Does the tool work with subject motion as well or just camera motion of a static scene?? Thanks.

    • Greetings Richard, that’s a good question. Based on what we know about the underlying algorithms, it might work on subject motion if that motion were consistent and even…

      For example, someone waving their arms or turning their head wouldn’t work, but a moving car or other inanimate object might be able to be deblurred if that were desired.

  7. I’m not impressed. I’ve visited the Pagoda and it is actually blurred in real life.

    …… Just like everything else around me.


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