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It's True: Adobe Bridge 2025 Is 100% Free for You to Download & Use

What Is Adobe Bridge?

In response to our post on How to Join Adobe’s Creative Cloud for Free, we received this question from a reader:

Hi – is it really true that Adobe Bridge (the full version) is totally free to download and use forever, and I don’t have to pay for it or have a subscription?

The answer is yes, it’s absolutely true – although not that many people know about it because Adobe has not publicized it widely…

Bridge 2025 is Adobe’s flagship desktop media browser and powerful digital asset manager that allows you to efficiently locate, organize, browse, preview, and batch process your content files – including most image, vector, audio and video files. You can view (in fullscreen) and manage Photo­shop PSD, Camera RAW, Illustrator AI, InDesign INDD, Adobe XD, Acrobat PDF, Flash SWF/FLV, and many other types of files and documents, all without paid programs.

While Bridge won’t edit the content of these files on its own, it works beautifully as an easy-to-use visual gateway to all your creative assets – a universal file manager and very handy utility for quickly viewing and working with your creative files in many different formats (Adobe and otherwise). Bridge can also manage & set file metadata, create collections, add image watermarks, rate & label photographs, do slideshows, perform batch file operations including renaming, browse directories without importing, support multi-user workflows, and more. And it’s available worldwide in dozens of languages for both macOS and Windows:

Adobe Bridge Workspace - Download Free Full Version Now

What’s less known is that the license to run/use Bridge is completely free from Adobe and never expires! It doesn’t matter whether you’re running a Creative Cloud free trial or a paid subscription (or even any other Adobe software at all). Regardless, Bridge will legally continue to work and be able to manage and view your media and Adobe files even if/when your trial or subscription ends.

Surprised? Well, it used to be (with CS6 and older) that Adobe Bridge was bundled together with paid programs like Photoshop and After Effects. But Adobe decided to unbundle Bridge and make it a separate download for Creative Cloud, so now this product doesn’t even require a paid subscription. This basically means that Bridge comes with all CC plans – including the popular Photography Plan – and even the 100% free level of Creative Cloud.

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Adobe's Best Offer: Get Both Photoshop and Lightroom for Just $9.99 a Month

You can install Bridge 2025 either standalone by itself, or together with other applications like Photo­shop (and all the rest), or even Photoshop Elements… Either way, Bridge requires no purchase, no paid membership or subscrip­tion, and not even any other Adobe tools on the same system. It installs and runs fine, and even allows updating to the latest version of the app itself plus the ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) plugin for the display and previewing of raw files within Bridge.

Adobe recommends that photographers use the more sophisticated Lightroom ecosystem to manage their photos, and that’s a product and workflow which work very well for many customers. But folks who want a simple solution – including designers who work with many different applications and file types – will still want to use Bridge. Plus, you can install and use it on as many computers as you like, your friends and colleagues can use it, your clients and customers can use it, all at the same time (and even with the same files collabor­atively) – there is no cost or limit or restriction.

So how to take advantage of it? To get your permanently-free Adobe Bridge (100% legitimate and authentic full version), you can download and install it here – look for the big blue “Download app” button, which will give you Bridge via the Creative Cloud Desktop App. Alterna­tively, you can use the CC direct download links. Either way works fine – and it’s not a free trial, and doesn’t have any expiration date – as promised above!

Get it now

Special: Legally download dozens of free Adobe books for a limited time!

If you’re not yet running the most recent release of Photoshop, then you can easily get it (plus Lightroom, and all ongoing upgrades to both products included) through Adobe’s Photo­graphy bundle for just $9.99/month. If you’d like to try out the latest Creative Cloud 2025 software first at no cost, then just download the free trial to get started.

Watch: Adobe Bridge in One Minute

Here’s What You Can Do w/ Adobe Bridge

Adobe’s Julieanne Kost: Should You Use Lightroom or Bridge?

This policy could change at any time, so don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to quickly secure the full working version of new Adobe Bridge 2025 legally from the company at no cost now or ever:

Download now

See Also

Get the New Creative Cloud 2025 Direct Download Links

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184 thoughts on “It's True: Adobe Bridge 2025 Is 100% Free for You to Download & Use”

  1. Unfortunately Free Bridge does not allow you to use Camera RAW without a subscription to Photoshop or other Adobe software.

    • It’s true that without a paid copy of Photoshop to go with Bridge, you won’t be able edit images in ACR. That’s because the Adobe Camera Raw plugin which integrates with both Photoshop and Bridge is view-only if Photoshop is not activated.

      Meaning that within Bridge, the ACR plugin works in a read-only way in order to display and preview the content within your Adobe files. Bridge can also edit image metadata and the like, however to make changes to the image pixels (and actually open the file for editing) you would need to have a subscription that includes Adobe Photoshop.

      But either way – either with or without Photoshop – all other features in Bridge itself are functional.

  2. I actually have a licensed Photoshop CS6 version on my PC, but looks like the new Bridge is not seeing the older version of Photoshop.

    • Adobe Bridge became a free application in 2013, with the very first release of CC (after CS6).

      Installing or using Bridge CC would not change or update the Camera Raw plug-in/version that is used by Photoshop CS… They are managed separately within each program.

      Likewise, Bridge CC’s “Open in Camera RAW” command would not work, but the plain “Open” command should launch Photoshop CS6.

      In any event, you should be able to continue using the version of Bridge (CS6) that came with Photoshop CS6.

  3. Bridge CC is absolutely NOT FREE! It requires an active subscription and is included with it. I just spoke to an Adobe CS person who had just told me such.

    • Hi Jay,

      Bridge is free. You don’t need a subscription. There is no cost to download and use it permanently (not a trial), without a paid membership.

      It’s been this way since Creative Cloud first launched in 2013, and it’s still the same today.

      Anybody with an Adobe ID (free to create) but without a paid subscription can see this for themselves…

      What’s Included with Your Free Creative Cloud Membership

      We know what we’re talking about and are not making this up. If you don’t believe us, just log into your free membership portal and you’ll see Bridge available to download and use.

      Sorry that you received incorrect information!

  4. I have a new macOS Big Sur, as my old one died. We have been able to get most of my files and applications onto the new computer. We had to get a new version of Photoshop. My problem is with my old Adobe Bridge. I am fond of it for looking after my raw photos. The old bridge does not work on this computer. What are my options?

    • Greetings William, the new version of Bridge 2022 (free) will work great with the new version of Photoshop 2022. It does everything the older versions of Bridge does, plus more.

      As you discovered, older programs which are not 64-bit will no longer run on newer macOS versions because Apple removed all support for 32-bit applications.

  5. Hi, I do not know much about Bridge, but it seems to be a good tool to manage my photos. These are my questions:

    – When I install Bridge on my PC, can I use it offline?
    – If yes, do I have to connect with Adobe from time to time?
    – Or is it possible in principle, to use it without going online anymore?

  6. Hi, to make my point again:

    My question was not about if Bridge is free.
    My point is:

    If I have installed Bridge, could I use it principally without connecting to the internet anymore = never again?

    Thank you !

    • I installed Bridge on my MacBook today 6th Aug 24, and now it won’t let me use it unless I sign in first – so no, you can’t use it without connecting to the internet. It’s useless.

    • Hey Ron, we never said you didn’t have to sign in. You do. That’s true for all Creative Cloud apps, whether free or not.

      And yes, you can use it offline. However, as we made clear above, the software does have to be activated in order to work and needs reconnection periodically.

      So you need to sign into Bridge with your Adobe ID account after installing it. Once you’re signed in, you should be able have that computer fully offline (with no Internet connection) for several months.

      For further details, please see:

      Creative Cloud Internet Connectivity and Offline Grace Period

  7. How do you disable the photo downloader on Bridge CC 2022? There is no option to stop it in Bridge/Preferences/General.

  8. Photo Downloader launches everything I couple my phone to computer… I need to know how to stop it, as there appears to be no way.

  9. I have downloaded version Bridge via CC for Windows 11 and it has a ridiculous bug – search of Metadata does not work ! (Apart from keywords…) Having looked at the Adobe forums, other people have reported this and suggestion is to go back to an earlier version. (Which you can’t do from CC…)

    Help !

  10. I have tried the suggestion on how to install previous versions. However on my version of CC, I have the following Options:

    “Manage plug Ins”, “Learn More” and “Uninstall” – the Option “Other versions” does not appear in the drop down menu.

  11. I don’t believe I have a trial version. I have just downloaded CC again on a Windows 11 Laptop, and I can see no reference to a trial version – and have the same issue. Do you think that you can only see the “install previous versions” if you have installed a previous version on the same machine?

    • Good question, but no – it doesn’t matter what versions you already have on your system… You can have just the latest release of a tool installed, and still you should see “Other versions.”

      Which paid Creative Cloud plan are you currently subscribed to?

  12. I don’t have a paid Creative Cloud plan – I thought I did not need one !

    However, I do have a licenced copy of Lightroom Classic but that is separate, I assume.


    • So you have the free level of Creative Cloud and can definitely use Bridge at no cost – but without a paid plan, access to the previous versions of Bridge (or any CC app) is not provided.

      If you really need access to the prior version of Bridge, then we’d suggest signing up for a paid plan to download the release you want, and then you can cancel within 14 days for a full refund if you wish.

      After your paid plan ends, you’d still be able to fully use any version of Bridge that you had downloaded and installed onto your computer(s), permanently free for life.

  13. I have CS5 with Win 10. I have Bridge CS5 and Bridge CC. (I have the free CC membership, but have not subscribed since I have the perpetual license.)

    My question is:

    How can I use Bridge CC as a “gateway” to Photoshop CS5 to access the assets in the libraries that I’ve set up in CC and edit them in CS5?

    Thanks for any insight you can give on this.

  14. Thanks so much for your quick response!!

    I downloaded a library file that I had saved in CC to my hard drive. I used both Bridge CS5 and CC to access the file and then open it with CS5. Both times I got the same error message: “Could not complete the request because it is not the right kind of document.”

    I do see where the file has a cc.libs extension. Not sure if I can somehow rename it with a different extension that CS5 will recognize or not.

  15. Thanks for your suggestions – I will check out those links.

    I think I’ve come up with a workaround.

    I wanted to set up an image repository and thought the CC libraries would be a good way to organize my assets – I would just need to download the files in order to work with them in CS5.

    I was able to access the downloaded library file with both versions of Bridge. The problem was that CS5 didn’t recognize the library file format and couldn’t open them.

    BUT – if I download the images individually as jpgs, then I can open them in CS5.

    I guess I can still set up an image repository in CC to save space on my hard drive. I should be able to access it as long as Adobe offers the free CC membership. I will just need to download files on an as-needed basis.

    Is my thinking accurate or is there something else I’m missing?

  16. Bonjour, cette version gratuite d’adobe bridge 2022 bénéficiera-t-elle d’éventuelles mises à jour automatique nécessitées notamment pour la sécurité?

  17. I have been using Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements the past three years. I input the edited photos into the slide show software. Do any of the Adobe apps have this software

  18. If adobe bridge is downloaded free on multiple computers to give collaborative access, where are the assets stored, do you need adobe cloud storage? if so, what is the cost of cloud storage?

    Thank you,

    • Good questions! By default, all your assets are stored on your own computer and disk drive(s). If you wish, you can save something to your local “Creative Cloud Files” directory, and it will be synced to Adobe’s online storage (much like Dropbox works).

      If you wish, you can also use Creative Cloud’s Libraries in Bridge. Libraries are a different form of cloud storage that works more collaboratively for group projects.

      In all cases, you get up to 2 GB of online storage space at no charge with your free Creative Cloud membership.

      Note that you currently cannot view or access Cloud Documents from within Adobe Bridge.

  19. Bridge is Free, of course. But If you want to work on your photos with Adobe Camera Raw – than you need to have the minimum subscription (10€ a Month).
    Unfortunately, there is no good alternative to Camera Raw. Without this Feature I can use any other good file manager (like Directory Opus), as there are no further benefits (maybe the tagging feature).

  20. I just got a new computer with Windows 11. I have a licensed copy of CS6 which I have downloaded to my new computer. Bridge, on my old computer, has an “Adobe Bridge Reference Manual” that appears on the “Help” menu. On my new computer, this reference manual is missing from the help screen. I copied the reference manual from my old computer to my documents folder on my new computer, but I want that reference manual on the help screen of Bridge on my new computer. I cannot figure out which of the many files in the Adobe Bridge program files might refer to this reference manual. Any help?


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