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“Adobe Acrobat XI Pro/Standard and Reader: Direct Download Links”
Direct Download Links for Adobe Acrobat XI Pro/Standard + Reader
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Hi, where can I download Acrobat XI Standard? Because the download which you have listened, can only get activated with an Pro Key. But I need the Standard Version Installer.
Greetings from Germany
Hey there Uwe, there is no “Standard” version trial for Acrobat XI – only the Pro edition, as far as we are aware… You then decide which you want at the time of purchase.
Did you try entering your Standard serial number into the trial?
Update: After more digging, we did find a version of Acrobat XI Standard and have included the direct links in the original article above. However it is not a free trial and does require a valid purchased serial number to install and run.
Hi, I have already entered the serial number in the pro edition TRIAL. That’s the problem the rep from Adobe Support told me, that I need a special CD/DVD which I must purchase from Adobe if I have forgotten where my discs are.
The TRIAL doesn’t take the serial code. It only takes the PRO serial Code, but I have a Standard Serial Code.
So sorry Uwe, in many years we have never seen an Acrobat Standard trial (only the Pro version)…
If you have lost or misplaced your discs, and if the Pro trial version doesn’t accept your Standard license key, then regrettably we can’t help out there. Good luck!
Update: See our previous reply for more information about Acrobat XI Standard.
My hard drive crashed and I had a new one installed. Now I want to download Acrobat Professional 9, for which I have the serial number. How do I do that?
Hi David, here are the direct download links for Adobe Acrobat X and 9.
I want to download Acrobat 9 for the mac. But i only see the link for windows is it possible to install it on the mac.
Kind regards.
Hello John, there are no Acrobat Pro/Standard direct links or free trials available on Mac OS for versions 9, there never were (only for Windows/PC)…
However, there are free trials available now for both Windows and Mac OS with the new Acrobat XI – with the direct download links given in the article above.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am continuously downloading through web browsers firefox, internet explorer & google chrome the “Adobe Acrobat XI Pro/Standard (Acrobat 11) – Direct Download Links for Windows – Free Acrobat XI trial in 22 languages (501 MB)” but unfortunately every time I am receiving this error:
“Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “…/AdobeProducts/APRO/11/win32/AcrobatPro_11_Web_WWMUI.exe” on this server.
Reference #18.c7508c4f.1372949746.108a2566″.
You are requested to give me any solutions to avoid this type of error.
I will be very very thankful to you.
Muhammad Usman
Greetings Muhammad, please make sure you are very carefully following the important download instructions given in the article above, near the top of this page.
If you try that with different web browsers, step-by-step, then you should be able to download the Acrobat Pro trials using these direct links.
If still no luck, try another computer or a different Internet connection (avoid Wi-Fi if possible).
Thanks for your prompt reply. Can you tell me the setting of Mozilla FireFox as I don’t understand this setting.
I will be very very thankful to you.
Well, there is no special setting for any browser – just try using a different one… (like Firefox instead of Chrome, or vice versa)
But the most important thing actually is just to carefully follow the download directions in the article.
I bought the physical disc of “Adobe Acrobat XI Professional for Windows” and had it installed on my desktop computer on Jun 14, 2013.
However, my hard drive crashed a few days ago. Please advise me how to go about reinstalling the program now that my hard disk is replaced. I still have the serial number for the product.
Hey there Adrian, sorry about your disk crash. You should just be able to reinstall the software on the same machine. The product may believe it’s a second computer (because of the new hard drive), but that shouldn’t be a problem because normally you get up to activate the program on up to two systems anyway…
If you have any difficulties, just contact Adobe Customer Service (via live online chat is usually the fastest/easiest) and ask them to reset the activation count for your serial number, then start again.
Hello, the trial for Acrobat XI doesn’t take the serial number if it’s for STANDARD. It would say “Invalid Key.”
I know you have mentioned that there’s only one trial for Pro and Standard, what seems to be the problem here?
I’m desperate. Please help me!!!!
Sorry you’re having troubles Seth. There is no separate free trial download for Acrobat XI Standard by itself – only for the Pro version (which is given above).
So regrettably, if you have purchased Acrobat XI Standard then you cannot use the trial version here to download and reactivate it… The Acrobat XI Pro trial apparently will not accept a Standard license key, so unfortunately we can’t help you out if you’ve lost or misplaced your DVD disc media, or no longer have access to your original product download.
Wish we could say otherwise and do more to assist, but good luck!
Update: A reader below located a version of Acrobat 11 Standard and we have added it to the original post above. However it is not a free trial version; it does require a valid serial number to install or run.
Here is the direct download link for Acrobat XI Standard on Windows.
But you must follow the same procedure above to login to an Adobe account before you can download it.
Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing that… We hadn’t been aware of its existence as there is nothing at all mentioned on Adobe’s site. We’ll update the information above with what you’ve found.
One puzzle/mystery – we checked the corresponding location for Mac, but there is no file there… So if anyone has further details on where a direct download link for Acrobat XI Standard on Mac OS might be, please do post them!
Just to be clear, this link is NOT for a trial version. It’s the full version of Acrobat XI Standard. It will only be useful if you already have a valid serial number for Acrobat XI Standard. It requires a serial number to install – there is no trial option.
As far as I know, there is no trial available for Acrobat XI Standard.
Point noted, and it’s a good one. Thanks for clarifying that, as it is a rare situation… Almost always there is a free trial option when installing an Adobe tool, so this is a notable exception – but still quite useful for when someone needs an online version of Acrobat Standard, without having a disc drive and with no separate DVD media required.
It’s also quite curious how the Acrobat Standard download seems to be available only for Windows/PC, as we can’t seem to find an analogous Mac OS installer.
Hi.. Unlike the previous versions of Acrobat Pro (e.g. Acrobat Pro 9 and X) that have only single file (.exe), Acrobat Pro XI has two versions of Direct Download Links…
One from this article, and the other from the Adobe CC DDL post. My point is those two versions of Acrobat Pro XI DDL have different file names, different file sizes, and different installers.
In this article, Acrobat Pro XI has only single file (.exe) and the file size is 501 MB.
In the Adobe CC DDL article, Acrobat Pro XI has 2 files (.exe and .7z) and the file size total is about 499-500 MB.
So which should I choose? This is weird. We know that Adobe usually only chooses either a single file or two files for any applications.
That’s a good question Wihan, and there’s a simple answer…
The free trial version of Acrobat XI Pro on this page is the traditional standalone release, that is activated permanently by purchasing a serial number.
By contrast, the free trial of Acrobat XI Pro on the Adobe CC links page is for the Creative Cloud version, that you purchase by joining CC and logging in with your Adobe ID and password. There is no serial key there; you need to install that version in order for your Cloud subscription membership to be applied.
Importantly, both versions of Acrobat XI have identical features and functions – the difference is solely in the licensing.
So bottom line, you should choose the free trial of the product and licensing that you think you would like to use and purchase. However if necessary, you can always uninstall one and install the other later.
As of 28/1/14, these links come up as:
Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “…/AdobeProducts/APRO/11/osx10/AcrobatPro_11_Web_WWMUI.dmg” on this server.
Reference #18.17e41602.1390908062.4aeea44
So thanks once more, Apple, for cheaping out and deciding not to give me an optical drive for my money spent on an iMac. Back to commodity PC hardware and Linux for me, I think.
Well Fergus, it’s true that Apple hardware is way overpriced and that you can get a MacBook-like PC for half the price…
However, on this page it’s not so bad as that. See our previous reply above to Usman for how to get these direct links to work for you.
I have been trying to download Acrobat XI 30-day free tryout to be able to complete the Wis Income Tax filing. I need personal help. please, ask someone to call me
Hi, what problem or message are you getting? We can try to help, but would need more details. Please be as specific as you can – thanks.
I also can not download Acrobat Standard XI…
Just tested the links again Frank, and they all work fine… See these previous comments above for assistance.
I bought the Acrobat XI Standard which has a CD to upload to my PC but I do not have a DVD drive. Can it be installed online? And How?
Yes, it can Tony – just follow the important download instructions in the article above before clicking the link for the product you bought…
Then once you have the Acrobat XI free trial installed on your computer, you can activate the software for full use with your valid purchased serial number.
Recently upgraded my Mac, Adobe Acrobat Pro XI wouldn’t work so purchased a new version direct from Adobe. It doesn’t matter what method of downloading I have tried, I always get the same message when I try to use it – that is “it is damaged must reinstall’. Doesn’t happen with Adobe Acrobat Pro 9, Why ?
Hello Syd, what is the exact error message? Did you try googling that? Often that will turn up a solution quickly.
Thanks for that, after spending some time on Adobe site without success and downloading by 2 methods, I googled the message and that is how I got on to ProDesignTools, and got the same message when used your download.
The message comes up in a box when Adobe first opens. It has a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it and the text is:
“Acrobat XI Pro
Your Acrobat install seems to be damaged, Please reinstall the application.”
There is an OK box and when click the program aborts.
My apologies for wasting your time but I have just successfully installed Adobe Acrobat Pro XI. I thought I saw somewhere in the Adobe support morass a reference to somebody using Adobe Application Manager to install the app. I downloaded the latest version of AAM, couldn’t find how to use it to install AAP XI, all I found was a program for cloud. Anyway I then installed AAP XI and it’s fine, but I don’t know if it has got anything to do with AAM.
Hmm, that’s odd Syd – we haven’t heard that before, but glad to hear you got it sorted out and thanks for letting us know!
Hello Team
I have the serial key for my Adobe Acrobat Pro XI, but somehow i am unable to find the link for downloading the exe for my mac. Can you please help me?
It’s right there above, Naren – you don’t see it?
my computer recently crashed and i need to reinstall adobe acrobat pro 8, but can’t find the download link for it. i have the product, just need the download of it. thanks!
Hi Naphtali, we have the direct links for Acrobat X, 9 and 8 here.
Acrobat 8 is pretty old though (2006) – so not sure if it’s still a safe/secure product to use, due to the age – Adobe is certainly no longer updating it for security, compatibility, etc.
when i logged in at adobe i’m still downloading the file. what will happen if i close the log in tab on my browser… is the download still running?
– greeting from indonesia
– sorry 4 my bad english :)
Yes, you should be able to close the browser tab or window where you logged in to Adobe, and the download will still continue.
Installing Acrobat XI for Mac, everything runs smoothly until the end of the install. At the end of the install, a yellow triangle warning icon with an ! (exclamation) mark appears, and states :
“The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.”
I tried re downloading the installer, and tried registering both as a serial # holder and as a trial user. Same failure both times.
Any idea how/why this problem can be fixed?
Yes Sebastian, it could be a permissions issue… See if the solutions given in this Adobe Knowledgebase article help:
Cannot Install Adobe Acrobat XI Pro on Mac OS X?
Hi I have the disc for adobe creative design 4 for the mac but unfortunately I do not have a disc drive on my mac computer. I have the serial number. Please can you let me know where I can download the program from, thanks
Hey there Vicky, you may be able to download the Adobe program installer(s) on these pages:
Adobe Software Direct Download Links for Windows and Mac
I usually use free adobe acrobat. I am going to try adobe acrobat pro now. Your link download works easily. Thanks.
You’re welcome, glad to help!
Thanks for this awesome version, it is successfully installed on my PC.