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How to Get the New Adobe CC 2020 Direct Download Links

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How to Get the Adobe Creative Cloud 2020 Direct Download Links


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290 thoughts on “How to Get the New Adobe CC 2020 Direct Download Links”

    • Yes, you need to log in with your free Adobe ID, as it’s required for product activation whether you’re talking about Individual customers or Teams subscribers using the Admin Console you referenced.

      Adobe has required logging in to activate their creative software (even the free trials) since CS6 in 2012:

      The New Creative Suite CS6 Install – Why We Did It

      Except for some Enterprise license configurations, we are unaware of any CC version or app which does not require at least a very brief online connection in order to activate, whether for the free trial or full version.

      Adobe has not offered offline activation like you’re describing in many years, not even going back to the CS6 days… Some form of Internet communication is required to activate the software before it can run.

      These installers are offline in the sense that you can download them onto your computer, keep and make permanent offline backups, retain them for your future use at any time, copy them onto a USB drive for use anywhere you go, download on one system to install on another (or multiple computers) without re-downloading, etc etc.

      They are also industry-standard Windows .EXE and Mac .DMG installers, which are not available via the Creative Cloud Desktop app. And again, these may be installed standalone without the CC Desktop app, if so desired.

      The same is true with any packages created by the Admin Console, which is available (only) to Teams subscribers.

      And if you don’t have a Teams subscription, then you’ll get this message when trying to log in to the Licensing Web Site (LWS) to access the Admin Console: “Adobe does not recognize you as an authorized user of this web site. Please contact Adobe for assistance.”

  1. Wasn’t able to get direct download links for 2020 versions of Adobe Creative Cloud.

    “I would like to inform you that we do not provide the link for the offline installer. You can go ahead with the below link and download the trial:”

    • That’s wrong. Unfortunately you received incorrect information from the rep you had.

      We suggest trying again and getting another agent who will give you the installers with no problem.

      If you don’t get a positive response within the first few minutes of the chat, then insist on being connected to a supervisor or simply disconnect and repeat with someone else.

      You will succeed, so don’t give up.

  2. Thanks. Here’s the response from a supervisor:

    Daniel, I just want to inform you that the CC is completely an application which works on the cloud for which we don’t have the offline installer.

    And after I named specific CC apps, the reply was:

    Daniel, The Premiere Pro, InDesign, Dreamweaver, all these applications work on the basis of the cloud. So we don’t have the Offline installer for Premiere Pro, InDesign, Dreamweaver as well.

    Trying to get another agent or supervisor.

    • Wow, more nonsense – that is embarrassing from their customer service!

      These are not “completely cloud applications”… All of these are desktop tools which download, install, and run on your regular Windows/Mac computer, just like always.

      And the standalone installers definitely exist, including for Premiere Pro, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, etc. We know this for fact, because we (and many readers here) have recently gotten them direct from Adobe ourselves.

      Sorry you are getting the runaround! It shouldn’t be happening. Keep trying, you will eventually get someone who will help you properly.

  3. I hear ya!

    Another rep said:

    For the free trials, please follow the below link:

    And, in response to “Which application do you want to download?” they wrote:

    It sounds like you need help solving a technical issue. Let me transfer you to a technical support agent who can assist you.

    I’ll try again later. I keep getting the same batch of clueless CSRs.

    • Well, that may be the reason why you are having a hard time… Some previous commenters above who reported similar experiences said they were only trial users too.

      In any event, note that Adobe offers a 14-day money back guarantee on Creative Cloud subscriptions…

      Meaning that that anyone who purchases a new plan can get a full refund within the first two weeks after the initial payment is made, with no questions asked. In that way, Adobe would really have to provide the new direct download links because you’d be a paid subscriber at that point.

      In most cases, any plan cancellation can be made online without hassle. If you decide to continue your paid membership past the first 14 days, then the return period closes.

  4. For a workstation with limited access to a fast internet connection, I wanted to download the offline installer for Adobe Bridge 2020.

    Here’s my experience contacting support:


    Adobe CSR::
    Hello. I’ll be happy to assist you. What can I help you with today?

    Hello, I need the direct download links (offline installer) for the new 2020 release of Adobe Bridge. Could you please help me?

    Adobe CSR:
    I would like to inform you that to install the adobe application you will need internet access.
    And after you have downloaded it you can use the application offline as well.

    Well, I need it installed on a computer with an extremely low-bandwidth internet connection. Signing in should not be a problem, but downloading is not an option on that machine.
    The folks at ProDesignTools mentioned that this is indeed possible:

    Adobe CSR:
    Yes, i have gone through that article but i would like to inform you this article is not posted by adobe and this ProDesignTools is not adobe’s website.

    I am aware of that.
    Are you saying there are no offline installers available? Adobe do mention they exist, here at the top of this page:

    Adobe CSR:
    Give me a moment while I find a solution for you. Thanks for your patience.

    No problem, thanks

    Adobe CSR:
    Adobe applications can only be installed with internet access.
    And after you have downloaded the applications then you can use it offline.

    This completely contradicts what I’ve been reading on the prodesigntools page. Well, never mind. Thanks for your time.

    Adobe CSR:
    Yes i do understand that but this is not posted by adobe.
    prodesigntools page is not adobe’s site.
    If there would have been something like that we would email you regarding the same.
    But that article is not posted by adobe.

    Again, I am aware of that.
    Nevertheless, ProDesignTools have been in contact with Adobe about this subject throughout the different CC-versions. Adobe posted the links. For CC 2020 apps it was suggested to contact you. This has also been stated on your own website:
    Sorry you can’t help me – thanks anyway.

    Adobe CSR:
    We do get you, but all the adobe applications need internet access for the installation.

    no need to repeat, thanks.

    Adobe CSR:
    Happy to help. You’ll receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!


    Maybe I’ll have more luck another time? I sure hope so!

    Best regards,

    • Welcome Rene, thanks for sharing your experience, and sorry you were told only obvious things like you need an Internet connection to activate the software and that already-installed Adobe apps can be used offline.

      The CSR in this case did not actually ever tell you that direct download links were not available. They only told you well-accepted facts that you already knew, and that our site is not their site.

      But it doesn’t change the fact that offline installers are indeed available and are currently being given out to Creative Cloud customers!

      One key point & question: Adobe Bridge 2020 is a 100% free product, with no paid subscription ever needed…

      So, are you indeed a paying CC subscriber, or do you only have the free level of Creative Cloud membership?

      If the latter, then see our previous reply to Daniel, just above your comment. That could help solve the issue.

      If the former, then please try again as you (as a paying customer) are definitely entitled to receive the 2020 offline installers from Adobe.

    • The links are for both the free trials as well as the full versions, depending on which plan you choose.

      In other words, the 2020 downloads can be activated for ongoing use without having to reinstall the software.

      As noted above, you are likely to have greater success getting the new 2020 offline installers from Adobe if you are a paid subscriber in some way, for some length of time – even if you later return the software for your money back.

      Alternatively, you can also use the CC 2019 direct download links instead, which are available immediately on our site.

  5. Yes, they’re for the full versions, but they’re only for the “original” 2020 versions that came out last fall. There have since been a number of significant upgrades and Adobe will not give you off-line installers for those. So, even if you have a subscription, unless you can use the CC desktop on-line installer, you won’t get any of the subsequent upgrades.

    • Yes, that’s right, Daniel. Thanks to your earlier research, we know that Teams subscribers can create their own offline packages with the latest 2020 app installers to use wherever they want, on any computer, etc.

      And as noted in our previous comments above, anybody can sign up to be a Teams subscriber (even if only for a single user, and even if just for a short period) in order to do this themselves, if and when needed.

      In other words, one possibility for someone who needs the absolute latest (fully-updated) 2020 versions is to sign up for a Creative Cloud for Teams plan, make the needed packages for yourself, and then cancel that account within 14 days for a full refund:

      Cancellation Terms

      You can cancel your subscription anytime via your Adobe Account page or by contacting Customer Support. If you cancel within 14 days of your initial order, you’ll be fully refunded. Should you cancel after 14 days, you’ll be charged a lump sum amount of 50% of your remaining contract obligation and your service will continue until the end of that month’s billing period.

      More details here:

      How to Exchange, Return, or Refund Adobe Software Products

      Again, note that a Teams subscription can be purchased even for just one single ordinary individual user, so you don’t need a company or group in order to get it… And then you would have full access to the Admin Console in order to create the 2020 offline installer packages that you need.

  6. please help to fix it – i downloaded from this site but when i connected to adobe, it’s become a trial version?

  7. hey, my AE won’t download; it says it will finish in 8-10 min but it’s been 7 min… and still in 14%! is there something i should do to make it correctly download?

    • If you have any difficulties, then we’d suggest re-trying with a different web browser, and/or another computer or a more robust Internet connection (use wired instead of Wi-Fi), if possible.

    • No, absolutely not. Sharing or copying someone else’s intellectual property without their permission or consent is illegal, and we won’t do it. Adobe would blacklist our site and we would be subject to legal action and worse.

      Before, with earlier Creative Cloud releases, when the direct download links were publicly available and not time-limited, it worked and was fair game to share the links here

      But in over ten years of running this site, we have not shared the actual installers themselves, and never would – because that would be against the law.

      Besides, you should never try to download Adobe software from anywhere else other than Adobe’s servers… On top of being illegal, it can cause you some serious problems.

  8. While installing the set-up file of Adobe premiere pro_cc_2018, It shows the installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged.

    Downloaded the installer file again, what’s wrong with this… can you please send the set-up file of size 3,779 KB file to me for 64bit windows?

  9. This method doesn’t work. Please find the direct links for all 2020 versions and post them like the previous ones.

  10. i sent this message :

    Hey Surabhi, I need the direct download links (offline installers) for the new 2020 releases of Premiere Pro. Could you please help me?

    and then he sent this:

    Surabhi – Hello Liam, I’ll be happy to assist you with your issue regarding download links.

    There are no offline download links. You have to pay for a subscription and then download.

    Does this not still work, or did i do something wrong?

  11. I was just informed macOS Catalina does not support the offline installers and this guy just will not give me a straight answer and keeps telling me I need to start my subscription first. Help?!

    • It’s absolutely not true that “Catalina does not support the offline installers” – that is completely incorrect.

      Please see our previous comments above. The reason you may be having difficulty could be because you are a free trial user and not currently a paid subscriber.

      Importantly, note that Adobe offers a 14-day money back guarantee on Creative Cloud subscriptions…

      Meaning that that anyone who purchases a new plan can get a full refund within the first two weeks after the initial payment is made, with no questions asked. In that way, Adobe would really have to provide the new direct download links because you’d be a paid subscriber at that point.

      In most cases, any plan cancellation can be made online without hassle. If you decide to continue your paid membership past the first 14 days, then the return period closes.

  12. So after a few periods of getting really irritated with this ongoing problem, I decided to try the CC app again. It was updated to (Today it is telling me there is even a newer version.)

    I then first tried updating Adobe Camera Raw. It downloaded, installed, without a hitch.

    I then tried updating Photoshop. (Remember, the ONLY thing different was the version of the CC app. Same ISP I always have. Same slow speeds. With the knowledge there is a LOT more traffic using the ISP with Covid-19 restrictions.) Lo and Behold, it downloaded, installed, and I have the most current version (21.1.2) of PS installed. I don’t know if it was some fix in the CC app, or something Adobe did with their servers, or something my ISP did to shore up their lines, but I’ll accept it.

    So if you have not tried the CC app recently, give it another try. I would like to know if others are seeing the same improvements, and success, as I am. If you are, it would lead me to think the improvements are on Adobe’s side. If not, then I would consider it being something my ISP did on their side of things.


    • Hello again Louis, and thanks so much for the update.

      Adobe is constantly making updates and fixes to the Creative Cloud Desktop app, as you noted. Here are the latest release notes:

      Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App Release Notes & Updates

      That said, as long as the Desktop app has been around (since 2013), there have always been customers who have not had luck with it, for one reason or another… We can tell, because interest in direct download links (as an alternative) has been and remains high.

      But we’re glad to hear you had good luck, and would love to hear from other readers as well… Thanks again!

  13. I think Adobe may have finally fixed the download problem for those of us with slow internet connections. As recently as a few weeks ago, the hang-up problem was still occurring for me. Then a new version of the CC Desktop downloaded to my desktop computer (I have “automatic updates” set) – I didn’t expect that one to work either, but I just let it run when it tried to update Photoshop, Lightroom, Camera Raw and Bridge. Much to my delight and surprise, all of the apps downloaded successfully. It’s since duplicated this feat on my tablet computer, which has even a slower internet connection because, unlike my desktop computer which has a direct wired connection to my modem/router, the tablet computer connects via wireless (which runs about 50% slower than a direct wired connection). Now let’s hope the the CC Desktop stays “fixed.”

    • Hey, that’s great news too – thanks for reporting back, RBS!

      We haven’t fully understood why there have been so many troubles over the years with the Desktop app – but like you, we hope your luck holds going forward.

      Anyone else have their recent experiences to share?

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