[UPDATE – Download the newer free Premiere Elements 11 book!]
A special gift for our readers: For a limited time, we’re offering a download of the Adobe Premiere Elements 9 Guide ebook, with 9 chapters and 78 pages of visual tutorials and feature how-to’s, completely free for personal use… And the vast majority of it will apply to the new Premiere Elements 10 as well.
This e-book presents a nice overview and introduction to PRE 9, and covers a range of helpful material for getting started with the product or learning more skills if you’re already familiar. You won’t find this book anywhere else.
The download is 3.9 MB in size, in PDF format (get the free and better Adobe Reader X, if you haven’t already).
If you don’t yet own Premiere Elements 9, just download the fully-working trial from Adobe to run it for free for 30 days. Much of the training in the book will be relevant for older and newer versions of PRE as well.
See what’s new in Premiere Elements 9 – including easier import, terrific new audio tools, better sharing, and now available for Mac…
If you currently have an older version of the software, you might be interested in a handy chart with the differences between Premiere Elements 9 vs. 8 vs. 7 vs. 4.
Or, if you also like to learn by video training, here’s close to an hour of free video tutorials for Premiere Elements.
See also the free companion ebook download: Photoshop Elements 9 Guide
Here is the table of contents and chapter descriptions for the free book… enjoy it!
Adobe Premiere Elements 9 Guide
- Overview of Premiere Elements workspace
- How to import video
- How to edit clips
- How to add transitions
- How to add video effects
- How to add titles
- How to work with audio
- How to do podcasting
- How to share video
1. Overview of Premiere Elements workspace
Get an overview of the Adobe Premiere Elements 9 workspace and learn how to get started using Premiere Elements 9.
Key terms: workspace, video editing, video production
2. How to import video
There are four basic methods for adding media to your projects: capturing from tape or live sources, importing files from other types of storage, adding from the Organize workspace, or recording narrations from a microphone.
When you add media files to your project, they are added to the Project view and the Organize workspace. Each file is represented by a thumbnail, called a clip. Clips, whether they contain audio, video, or still images, are the building blocks of your movies.
Key terms: import video, audio, images, clips
3. How to edit clips
Editing clips includes previewing and trimming them to eliminate unnecessary material. It could also include revising clip properties such as speed, direction, and duration. If you have media clips generated by other programs, you can also edit them in their original applications from within Premiere Elements.
This guide covers the following topics:
- Working with the Preview window
- Trimming a clip in the Monitor panel
- Removing frames from the middle of a clip in the Sceneline
- Editing clips on the Timeline
- Applying auto quality enhancements
- Editing multiple clips
- Using Freeze Frame to export images
Key terms: video editing, clips
4. How to add transitions
By using transitions, you can phase out one clip while phasing in the next, or you can stylize the beginning or end of a single clip. A transition can be as subtle as a cross dissolve or quite emphatic, such as a page turn or spinning pinwheel. You generally place a transition on a cut to include clips on either side – a double-sided transition, but you can also apply a transition to just the beginning or end of a clip – a single-sided transition.
Key terms: video editing, transitions
5. How to add video effects
You can use effects to add a creative flair to your movie, or to fix exposure or color problems, edit sound, or manipulate images. Adobe Premiere Elements comes with preset effects that let you quickly and easily apply a preconfigured effect to footage. You can use included presets, create your own presets, or adjust and animate values as desired. You can animate the effects that you add to clips, either with presets, which have predefined keyframe values, or with keyframes you create with custom values. Presets provide a quick, easy way to animate effects, whereas custom keyframes let you create more precise and complex animations.
Key terms: video effects, presets, keyframes
6. How to add titles
You can design custom titles and images with Premiere Elements. Titles are a valuable addition to a movie and can serve many purposes, from naming the people and places in your movie to providing movie-style credits at the beginning and end. You can create titles by using any font installed on your computer and create other graphic objects by using the title’s shape-creation tools. You can create images from any graphic or photograph on your computer and use them to further customize and enhance your movies.
Key terms: titles, graphics
7. How to work with audio
At least half of your movie’s impact comes from its use of sound. Adobe Premiere Elements provides the tools, such as the Audio Mixer and the Audio Meters, to create a high-quality sound mix. You can narrate clips or set beat markers while previewing in real time. You can add a soundtrack to your movie, and trim it to the proper length, or use SmartSound soundtracks, which you customize to exactly fit your project. You can set the overall volume levels of clips and the relative volume levels within and among them. Finally, you can remove unwanted noises and add effects to the sounds in your movie.
Key terms: audio editing, audio production
8. How to do podcasting
In Premiere Elements, you can create videos and podcast them directly to PodBean, a podcasting service. You can also create audio or video files to use in podcasts by exporting files you create in Adobe Premiere Elements.
Key terms: podcasting, music, vodcasting, audio production
9. How to share video
You can share movies, stills, and audio in a variety of file types to the web, mobile devices, videotape, Video CDs, and Super Video CDs. You can also copy and save projects for editing and storage. The Share workspace in the Tasks panel contains everything you need to save and share your finished project. You can save your project for viewing on the web, a mobile phone, a personal computer, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, and more.
You can start a new share by clicking any of the share options: web DVD, Disc, Online, Personal Computer, Mobile Phones And Players, or Tape. Each of these options opens a view in the Tasks panel that provides specific options and settings for sharing to the respective media types.
Key terms: video sharing
Download this e-book for free now: Premiere Elements 9 Guide
See also the free companion book: Photoshop Elements 9 Guide
Plus: Over 1,000 pages of free downloadable CS6 ebooks, or a free 172-page “CS5 on Demand” ebook covering Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator, and Flash Pro.
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Note: This complimentary ebook is for personal use only and not for redistribution. However, please feel free to link to or share this original page with whoever or however you like.
…and thanks for this as well! :)
i want to master video production using adobe premiere 9.
I want master video editing via MAGIX PRO X2
I would like to know how to put more than one clip on one screen?
Sure Channon, check on the online documentation for PRE 10 on Arranging Clips in a Movie & Timeline.
Ne pouvant plus utiliser Adobe Première Éléments 9 que j’ acquis, (MEDIA OFFLINE) voulez-vous me donner le N° de téléphone de la hot line .
Bonjour Braem,
Pour ce “Media Offline” message, s’il vous plaît consulter cette page dans la documentation.
Sinon, vous pouvez contacter le service clientèle d’Adobe.
certified adobe premiere trainer needed
Sorry, could you be more specific, or give more details on what you’re looking for?
best book
I downloaded the ebook on Premiere Elements 9 and learned a lot. However, what I was specifially looking for wasn’t covered, i.e. what to do with the clips after I have snipped them. In Project View I see lots of clips that I have created, but don’t find a one that appears to be the revised clip I tried to make – the one I’d like to add to my timeline. Likewise, in the timeline I don’t know how to select clips that I want to keep, or remove clips that I don’t want there. Specifically, I want to know how to work with the clips in the project area after I’ve made them, so I can add the revised clip to the timeline. And thanks in advance for any help you can supply. Bev
Hi Bev, thanks for your comment and glad you got a lot out of the free e-book… For the rest, why don’t you try taking a look at the complete online manual for the Elements family?
@ ProDesignTools
Thanks for the manual – it will help. Bev
Thanks for the free guides!
hi everyone, i want to download extreme video editing software, how?
Hello Seid, you can download the free trial of Premiere Elements 10 direct from Adobe.
welll doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee