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Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10: Now Shipping

Get Elements 10 Now

Yes – Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10 are just out and now shipping!  Pretty much on the timeframe we forecast, both products are available on both Windows and Mac with the same features…  You can instantly download the free trials now as well (yes, they are available!), and the new software will work side-by-side with any previous release(s) of Elements you may own. If do you have an earlier version installed, you can automatically import and convert your work.*

And thus far the reviews for Photoshop Elements 10 have been pretty positive.

The prices remain US$99 for the full version of either PSE 10 or PRE 10, and $149 for the bundle package containing both complete products. To add Adobe’s Plus Benefits runs $30 more. Education customers can grab the Student and Teacher Edition for $119 for both applications (note that academic pricing is no longer offered for each one individually). The languages available today include English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, and Japanese.

Adobe has also brought back the upgrade discount for owners of any previous version of Elements… This briefly disappeared in Elements 9, but popular demand has restored the lower pricing worldwide. This means if you are an existing user of any previous version of Elements (Photoshop or Premiere, back to version 1), you get a lower price from Adobe when upgrading to this new release.

Adobe Elements Products: 10 Years, Over 180 Awards

Photoshop & Premiere Elements 10 will run well on 32-bit or 64-bit systems, and are designed for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, or Mac OS (see the full system requirements for PSE 10 on Windows or Mac; and PRE 10 on Windows or Mac).  Premiere Elements 10 now comes with a native 64-bit version for higher performance – in other words, the PRE Editor now runs native on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Photoshop Elements 10 continues as before, running native in 32-bit and compatibly on 64-bit systems.

For customers with both PCs and Macs, the Elements line is now sold as multiplatform software, meaning your single purchase can be installed on either operating system… If you buy a boxed copy of Elements 10, you will get both the Windows and Mac OS versions of the application(s) and a cross-platform serial number. And similar to other Adobe products, you may be able to put the software on up to two computers, subject to the terms of the license agreement.

Download the product overview sheet or free trials, or see the new online documentation that just went up, including the Photoshop Elements 10 keyboard shortcuts. Start learning right away with four hours of free video tutorials.

What’s new in Elements 10 – what are some key new features?

This is covered in detail in our companion “what’s new” article, but here are some quick highlights:

Photoshop Elements 10

  • Add curving, flowing text along a path
  • Easily create stunning photo effects
    • Create simulated depth of field (below)
    • Orton Effect for dreamlike glows
    • Fun automated picture collage effects
  • Smart object search: quickly find things
  • Get better composition with crop guides
  • Detect near-duplicate photos for grouping
  • Thirty all-new Smart Brush patterns
    • Oil Pastel
    • Snow
    • Pencil Sketch
  • Tag faster using your Facebook Friends list
  • Save photo creations to PDF file format
  • Enhanced mgmt. of even the biggest library
  • New API to integrate with tablets & mobile
  • Get fresh looks with new templates

Premiere Elements 10

  • Turn photos into entertaining movies
  • Easily improve footage tone and vibrance
  • Make subtle color corrections
  • Enhanced InstantMovie with new options
  • Export in high-quality AVCHD format
  • Use SmartSound to enhance audio on Mac
  • Burn HD quality movies on standard DVDs
  • Quickly share on popular sites, Facebook
  • Enjoy support for 64-bit Windows 7
  • How-to’s that appear just when needed
  • Over 300 special effects and transitions
  • Get fresh looks with new movie themes

Photoshop Elements 10: New Depth of Field Effect

Elements is already the #1 selling consumer photo- and video-editing software.  Powered by the same engine as Adobe Photoshop, the industry standard for digital imaging, and with these new features on top of the Spot Healing Brush (Content-Aware Fill) and Layer Masks added in PSE 9, this latest 10th-generation version of Elements is looking like a smooth and polished release.

Get it now

* Elements 10 will not overwrite earlier versions. If you install PSE 10 or PRE 10 on a computer with older software, both versions will be on your system until you remove one. You can upgrade a copy of your catalog to move everything over the first time you launch Elements 10. If that doesn’t happen automat­ically, you can force it to happen via File > Catalog > Convert.

Source: The NPD Group/Retail Tracking Service (January 2007 to March 2011) based on units sold in the Video and Photo Editing categories.


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83 thoughts on “Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10: Now Shipping”

  1. @ProDesignTools

    Sorry, I guess I should’ve made myself more clear lol. I meant to ask since it’s a bundle, are both programs 100% full, nothing missing from either? Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly!!

  2. I have adobe premium and elements 9, I also have elements 10. I have not registered either program. Can I keep premium 9 to go along with my elements 10 and sell my elements 9?

    • Hi Linda, the answer to that depends… Was your Elements 10 an upgrade version from your Elements 9?

      If so, then you cannot sell older versions of Adobe products if they were used to get discounted upgrades to newer versions… This goes for all Adobe software including Elements, Acrobat, Photoshop CS, Creative Suite, Lightroom, etc.

      If the two packages were purchased completely independently and at full price, then it’s okay to sell or transfer the older one. Otherwise, the upgrade relies on the licensing of the prior release.

      Hope this helps!

  3. Will Photoshop and Premiere Elements 10 work on Mac OS 10.7.4 Lion?

    My old version of Photoshop ( Elements 3 ) will not run on Lion.

    Please advise

  4. I would like to load the program on to two computers, one being a desktop with Windows 7 and the other a laptop with Windows XP. Or do both computers have to run Windows 7?

  5. Is it possible to load a version of Photoshop Elements onto an iPad? Just that I’m thinking of giving my son my laptop (which has Elements 8), and then myself using an iPad – so was just wondering if this is a possibility.

  6. I just purchased PSE 10 and when I inserted disc #1 to download the program I received a message that said

    “The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation” — what do I do? I am at a loss and need your help a.s.a.p. as I am going to take a class that begins tomorrow a.m.



  7. I am having a problem with Premiere Elements 10, when I put stills into the movie maker and then preview them they are all out of focus and there does not appear to be any function to correct the problem, as I am a senior is there something I am not doing right??

    • Not sure Roy – are the dimensions of your stills smaller or different than the size (in other words the resolution) of your video? If so, then it’s possible the photos would be stretched or blown up – and then seem blurry…

      Check out these free Elements 10 tutorials for more tips on how to use the products.

  8. I have looked at the tutorials and downloaded the PDF manual but there is way too much for a senior to understand, I was looking for a simple program to do my movies. Yesterday I returned the software to Future Shop (Best Buy) and they said it could not be returned because it was opened, the fellow that sold it to me said I could try it and if I was not happy with it I had 30 days to return it, after some time in the store they finally decided to give me a store gift card. Do you have any suggestions on a simple software for my use??

  9. I have Elements 10 running on an iMac. I have purchased several different manuals but keep running into issues of being told to click on something that doesn’t or that I can’t find. Example: floating windows. Told to go to Edit to Preferences to General and then turn on floating windows. It took me forever to figure out that the “edit” is in the Organizer not the Editor program. That’s counterintuitive but also a lapse in the manuals. But when I go to “Edit” to “Preferences” to “General” in the Organizer, there is no option for floating windows!

    Is there actually a manual/book that actually covers Elements 10 for a Mac? It is maddening to be told to click “OK” repeatedly when there is no such option. Also where is “Preview”? Thanks

  10. Hello, I’ve been having a lot of problems with my Premiere 10.
    First, When burning DVDs, the final 2-hour project drags, so had to break it up into a bunch of little videos.
    Next, the MOST annoying, is when I save the project and then reopen – half of the files come up missing and I have to redo the video every time. The clips are replaced by a red page. This is getting really annoying.

  11. I have attempted several times to download Photoshop Elements 10 to my laptop, using the program (CD) I purchased initially to load the program unto my desktop.

    After downloading the program to my laptop, the first screen comes up with the following message: “No items match this combination of filters. You can change your filter settings through View Media types or View Hidden Files,” both of which I have tried several times and failed.

    Sometimes the program doesn’t open at all using the icon on the monitor, but if I re-boot the computer, then it will open. The program NEVER opens to the Welcome Window (Organize and Edit window), but rather, it opens in Elements Organizer 10. Can you help?

    • Hey Cody, that sounds quite odd. Here are a few things to check:

      You didn’t mention your computer type, operating system, or other specifications… Does it fully meet the minimum system requirements for the program?

      Have you checked for updates to the software? Use the Help > Updates menu selection within Photoshop Elements.

      Have you googled the exact message you’re getting? Often that will provide an answer.

      Did you ever try uninstalling and reinstalling the software?

      Hope these help lead to a solution for you.

  12. I purchased Adobe Photoshop 10 Elements a few years ago. I misplaced the Installation CD’s for this program. How can it be re-installed. I might be able to locate the Registration # but it was a few years ago and may not be in my email history. Any ideas????

    • Hi Bryan, we have the Elements 10 direct links to redownload the software – but cannot help on recovering your serial number, sorry!

      If it’s not in your email, maybe you registered the product and the license key is in your online Adobe account?

      Utilities like Belarc Advisor can retrieve the serials of programs that are already installed on your computers, but not otherwise.

      Good luck with it!

  13. I bought Elements 10 (Photoshop) for my old computor, a Vista, which crashed before I got to load Photoshop. Will Photoshop Elements 10 10 work on my new computer which is a MS windows 8.1?

    Thank you,
    Pat Taphouse

  14. I have Photoshop Elements 10/premiere, I have a disc that won’t load. I had to purchase a new computer and need to load it on the new one to be able to edit my photos and complete a photography class. Is there any way to get a replacement for disk 2. I purchased Lightroom 6 also but prefer a lot of the programs on there. Is it possible to buy just one disk? I have a lot of money in these two programs to not be able to use them.

    Thanks for any help you do
    Pam Kurfees


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