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New Flash Builder 4.6 and ColdFusion Builder 2 - Get Them FREE

Free Professional Adobe Development Tools

You may have heard of the recent releases of Flash Builder 4.6 (formerly Flex Builder, and part of CS6), plus ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion Builder 2

And we’ve written about this particular offer before, but it bears repeating now that we have these major product refreshes for both Flex and ColdFusion.

Adobe will give you full versions of these premium devel­opment tools (US$249 – $1,499 values) absolutely free world­wide if you qualify!  And if you don’t, you might know someone who does and could benefit…

Free copies of Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 Standard are given for non-commercial use to:  (a) students, faculty and staff of eligible educational institutions,  or  (b) software devel­opers who are affected by the current economic conditions and currently unemployed.

The ColdFusion products are also available for free to educational customers, to use for learning purposes only and not for production purposes. Complimentary installation support is available, and if you are a teacher and would like ColdFusion 10 for multiple systems in your lab, you can request up to 30 education serial numbers.

So if you can qualify yourself for any of these categories, please go ahead and download your free professional software here:

Download now

See also these helpful free videos for getting started and learning the products on Adobe TV: the Flash Builder Channel and the ColdFusion Channel.


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6 thoughts on “New Flash Builder 4.6 and ColdFusion Builder 2 - Get Them FREE”

    • Welcome Labas, from the free Adobe software page just click on the “Flash Builder 4.6 for non-commercial use” link in English, French, German, Japanese, or Chinese…  Then under “Reason” for receiving the tools, simply select “I’m unemployed.”

      Acadamic users would choose “Student or Education Faculty Member” instead, in the same box.

      Best of luck in learning the new tools and with your career in the future!

  1. is this offer still valid? I’ve been unemployed since June, and just now seeing this.. but the link doesn’t seem to be working.

    • Hi Troy,

      Thank you for your question, and apologies for your difficulty accessing the Free RIA Tools.

      Adobe says the site is down at the moment, and here is what they’ve posted about it.

      We don’t have more information about it at this time, but will be monitoring the situation.

      In the meantime, you might be interested in Adobe’s offer to download a free permanent copy of Edge Animate 1.0 (the full version for creating interactive & animated web content), which is gratis for a limited time for everyone, and could serve as a decent replacement.

      Thanks again.

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