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“All the New Adobe CC 2019 Direct Download Links, Now Available!”
Adobe CC 2019 Direct Download Links: Creative Cloud 2019 Release
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activate code??????
That’s not the way Creative Cloud works. You simply choose the plan you want, and log in with your email:
hello, I downloaded the complete master collection of adobe and it came compressed in winRar… it asks for a password to decompress – what is the password?
Sorry, not sure what you’re referring to… None of our offline installers have any password at all. They don’t now and never have, and you won’t be asked for one.
If you are asked for one, then it must be from a non-genuine file you downloaded elsewhere, which we definitely do not recommend.
How do I decompress the file after download?
Sure, it shouldn’t be too complicated. Does this help?
— On Windows: Just unzip the downloaded file into a new folder, and then run the “Set-up.exe” executable file within that folder to begin the installation. Feel free to remove that folder once the installation has completed.
— On macOS: Just double-click on the downloaded .dmg file to mount it on your computer and start the installation process.
If you have any difficulties with the installation, then try reinstalling with your Wi-Fi or Internet connection turned off.
Photoshop CC 2019 (64-bit)
how to install this version? i downloaded this installer and after unzipping, it’s asking “you need to update the version”
…and then the installation is auto-canceled??
kindly tell me the solution?
If you’re getting this error:
“Update required: Your browser or operating system is no longer supported. You may need to install the latest updates to your operating system.”
or this error:
“The installation cannot proceed as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again.”
…then extract the files, turn off your Internet connection / disconnect the Wi-Fi, and try to install the software again.
That usually works.
If still no luck, then see this Adobe help page:
Update your operating system to work with Adobe apps
Is it a reliable connection?
Yes, absolutely.
Sooo frustrating.
The download link I get here for Photoshop 2019 will not install. I am continuously getting the error message that says — sorry installation failed! (Installer was unable to access critical file/directory. Please try installing again. Error code: 41).
I just rebuilt my old iMac 2010 and put a SSD drive in and it runs awesome. My external drive failed, so I came here and I was able to install all the other software except Photoshop 2019.
Where can I get a reliable 2019 Photoshop install? On the Adobe site I get — can’t install until you upgrade your system.
Does anyone have a link to a reliable download that will install and or have a solution here. Thanks in advance.
Al, what version of macOS are you running on that older iMac? As noted in the article, the CC 2019 release requires macOS v. 10.12 “Sierra” or higher, up to v. 10.14 “Mojave.” Mentioning that because you didn’t say.
— to my comment above and author of the page —
I am running High Sierra, which is the highest operating system you can run on this year Mac. In addition I did find, download and install a 2018 version of Photoshop. I will work for me, but would have some of the updates that came with 2019 (and I have another Mac if I really need to use the 2023 versions).
Thanks for the further info. Did you try googling the exact text of the error message? Often that can lead to a solution.
You could also give these suggestions a shot, from the Adobe Forums:
How to Fix Error Code 41 When Installing Adobe Creative Cloud?
If all else fails, you can try this:
1. Uninstall the Adobe app(s) using standard OS procedures.
2. Download & run the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, remove the app(s).
3. Reboot your computer (don’t skip this step).
4. Start again from the top by reinstalling the Creative Cloud tool(s) you want.
5. Make sure you are running the installer with full Administrator rights on your machine.
Here’s more info on that error, if you need it.
Hello, I was looking for the CC 2020 apps and I only see the 2019. I was using CC 2020 on my 2010 Macbook Pro running High Sierra 10.13.x but had a hard drive failure on my machine. I’ve replaced the drive and contacted Adobe customer service via chat. The rep said that my OS is no longer supported and that I should move to a higher OS, which would require a new machine and that’s not a feasible option at the moment.
I asked if I would have to cancel the subscription since they cannot support or run their apps on my OS and the rep offered me a download to try for Photoshop which, during install, failed because it required 10.14.x or higher.
The rep said they tried their best to help me and said they would follow up with me on Monday (today) after taking my contact info. Have not heard back from them although the case is still open until tomorrow.
I’m almost certain I have a Time Machine backup but won’t be able to get to that drive for another week or so, as I’m on the road and need to get some work done. I did manage to get the Ps, Ai, and Id 2019 versions but the artwork is getting modified when opening previous work from my other backup where I saved work (ie., as converting to outlines in Ai).
Help/info would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.
Since you are a paying customer, we’d suggest trying again and getting another agent. Different agents have varying levels of knowledge, information, and experience. If you don’t get a positive response within the first few minutes of the chat, then ask to be connected to a supervisor or politely disconnect and repeat with someone else.
They have had the ability to provide older versions going back to CC 2020 (the last release to support macOS High Sierra), so don’t wait for them to get back to you but just keep asking with the same Case Number.
One time recently, it took three separate chats to Customer Care on three different days (under the same case) to get the solution we needed. But, we finally found someone who could help and had the answer.
I’ve tried again and dealt with 3 reps this time, but to no avail. They keep the chat going only to tell me the same thing in the end, that it is not compatible with OS High Sierra. When requesting a Supervisor I was passed off to someone else and when I asked again they ended the chat.
Will try again later and am saving the chat transcripts.
Has anyone had any success acquiring the CC 2020 download from Adobe? I’ll keep trying but I’m curious to know if there’s been any success in doing so.
to my comment above and the author of this page —
I am running High Sierra, which is the highest operating system you can run on the Mac that I have. In addition, I did find, download, and install a 2018 version of Photoshop. It will work.
Thanks for your reply. I was able to download and install the 2019 version and it works too. However, importing vector work gets modified as it was created in CC 2020 so some work loses editing capabilities.
Per this article:
It states: “UPDATE (Nov. 27th) – Great news! Adobe has not posted the new Creative Cloud 2020 direct download links; however, as of today, you can now actually get them yourself by contacting Customer Service”
Also, another article states:
“You simply need to ask. We suggest: Hello, I need the direct download links (offline installers) for the new 2020 releases of __________. Could you please help me?”
So when I contact Adobe support, how hard is it for them to simply provide the 2020 installers for High Sierra 10.13?
It’s a simple request as is suggested here on ProDesignTools. Furthermore, why would Adobe accept new subscriptions by new members signing up for their subscriptions on older Operating Systems and billing them if they are not stating up front that they only support Big Sur on Mac? (unsure which Windows platform they support).
They’ve told me they only support the latest Mac OS. It’s a bit misleading and I’m sure there are many technicalities as to why they do/do not provide certain versions.
Again, it’s a simple request. I could go out and buy a new(er) machine, but it’s not a feasible option for me at the moment.
These are very good questions, and we do not have the answers. Adobe officially has a “N-1” Support Policy, which means they will support the current major release and the one prior.
So technically, now, that would mean CC 2023 and CC 2022.
But three weeks ago (before 2023 came out), those two releases were 2022 and 2021. And, up until that time in mid-October, they would ALSO provide CC 2020 installers to any customer who asked for them.
Why? For exactly the reason you discovered. CC 2020 was the last Creative Cloud release to support macOS 10.13 High Sierra. Many customers like yourself have Mac systems which cannot run a higher version of the OS.
So, until three weeks ago, they were already going further back and providing the N-2 version. They clearly have the 2020 installers. And now, CC 2020 is the “N-3” version. But customers’ situations haven’t changed, and people like you still need the High Sierra release.
Wish we know what to tell you. If we were Adobe, we would provide it, because paying subscribers need it. You shouldn’t really be forced to buy a new computer. You are OK with running an older version, without needing intensive support. So why can’t they simply give you the version you need?
Adobe are the only ones who can answer those questions.
Thank you for your reply, will try again and hope for a positive result. Your time in replying is greatly appreciated.
I tried to download adobe illustrator 2019 for mac but when I open it is says the file is damaged and can’t be opened.
Hi, what is the exact, complete text of the error message? We’d need to know that in order to help you.
Hi, when I open it says: “AdobeIllustrator23_HD.dmg is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash”
OK, you can try the suggestions given here:
How to Fix App “is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash” Error on Mac
Hello prodesigntools, can you provide installer for Lightroom Classic 7.5 or whatever is the last update on version 7? The installer on this page only installs Lightroom Classic 7.0.1. So the option right now seems to be either version 7 or 8.
Hi Rob, good question. These direct download links are largely the original base “2019.0” versions from the initial release, including LR Classic 7.0.x as you found…
There are no further updates available as standalone installers, because Adobe never provided them.
You could try updating the software from the “Help” menu to get the last available CC 2019 version, which may work but is not using a direct download link.
I wanted the older versions of lightroom and photoshop and these links helped!
However, before downloading it, I uninstalled the new CC version and all the softwares as well (i’m a paying customer of the all softwares plan).
I’m trying to download the other softwares from my adobe account, however, it requires the creative cloud to be updated and it says that it will automatically update all the softwares.
How can I proceed? I need my premiere pro, after effects, media encoder and acrobat fully updated and keep my older versions of photoshop and lightroom downloaded from here.
Thanks in advance for your answer!
Hi John,
Just turn off auto-update in the Preferences of the Creative Cloud Desktop app, and make sure that “Remove older versions” is unchecked…
That way, you control when your apps are updated or uninstalled.
I have attempted to install the 64-bit installer for MacOS of PS 2019 via both Safari AND Chrome and I always receive this error message:
“Installer was unable to access critical file/directory. Please try installing again. Error code: 41”
Is there a way to fix this? I am running MacOS Monterey Version 12.6.1 on a 2019 Macbook Pro
Hi Amber, did you try googling the exact text of the error message? Often that can lead to a solution.
You could also give these suggestions a shot, from the Adobe Forums:
How to Fix Error Code 41 When Installing Adobe Creative Cloud?
If all else fails, you can try this:
1. Uninstall the Adobe app(s) using standard OS procedures.
2. Download & run the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, remove the app(s).
3. Reboot your computer (don’t skip this step).
4. Start again from the top by reinstalling the Creative Cloud tool(s) you want.
5. Make sure you are running the installer with full Administrator rights on your machine.
Here’s more info on that error, if you need it.
Please help D: I have a 2020 macOS Big Sur, and I cannot find a way to get After Effects 2020 for the life of me. I used a link from this website to download After Effects 2019, although I the error “Unspecified Drawing Error” pops up every time I attempt to launch the app. After that, it simply closes out. I tried restarting my laptop, and renaming the file. Still doesn’t work. I found out After Effects 2019 isn’t compatible with my newer laptop, and when I tried to contact an agent through Adobe, they simply said all versions before After Effects 2021 have “ran their course and are dead”. This seems pretty hopeless, but it appears I can’t download After Effects 2020.
Hey Natalie, if you have Big Sur, then you can run the latest version of After Effects 2023:
How to Get New Adobe Creative Cloud 2023 Direct Download Links
Creative Cloud 2023 supports macOS Big Sur v11.0 and later.
I downloaded it but can use it for 7 days. I can do this live time? Adobe Photoshop 2019.
Yes, that’s right. Then you choose the plan you want, and log in with your email:
Note: adobe dimension 2019 cc is not working.
Hello, we just tested those links for Windows and Mac, and they download fine for us – no problems at all.
What issue were you having in particular? We’d need more details in order to help.
I’ve downloaded Adobe Illustrator 2019, but when I log in using Gmail and it’s directed to a web browser, it just keeps loading. I can’t log in.
Not sure why a browser page wouldn’t load on your computer – we can’t really speak to that. Perhaps try another web browser or restart your computer.
Were you able to get the CC 2019 desktop application successfully installed?
If not, then extract the files from the download, turn off your Internet connection / disconnect the Wi-Fi, and try to install the software again.
I’ve downloaded Photoshop 2019 for Mac, then I click on this: AdobePhotoshop20-mul.dmg, which opens up a file that says Install and then three folders that say packages, products, resources. I click on Install and it takes me to an Adobe login screen. I enter my credentials and then get nothing but a spinning dial.
Any advice? Thanks.
Hi Johnny, which version of macOS are you installing on?
I’m on High Sierra 10.13.6
Thanks. The installer is definitely compatible with that OS version.
But if a browser page isn’t loading on your computer, we can’t be sure why… Perhaps try another web browser or restart your computer?
You could also try turning off your Internet connection / disconnecting the Wi-Fi, and then trying to install the software again.
Let us know how you make out.
My Adobe Animate download has been stuck on 17% for an hour, although the top is saying it will take 4-6 minutes. I am on Mac Catalina.
Sorry, not sure; we just tested the download link and it works fine… Nobody else has reported any issues, either.
Did you try with a different web browser – or using another computer or device? That’s really the first thing to check.
Also, are you restricting or filtering anything with your browser(s) – like cookies, downloads, or any sites or URLs? Adobe recommends turning those things off…
Are you running any other utilities that might limit your web surfing? (like AdBlock, Ghostery, or similar) Or possibly your firewall, antivirus program (esp. Kaspersky), or other third-party security software?
It could be because of over-aggressive software or utilities like these. Again, for downloads, Adobe suggests temporarily turning off anything that might be interfering.
Just some ideas, hope that helps… But plenty of visitors download these installers every day with no problem.
i downloaded photoshop cc2019 – please give me the password to unzip the file, sir
Greetings… To answer your question, please see our previous response above.
Hi all,
I’m looking for InDesign 14.0.3
The download here is 14.0.0
Is there anybody who could point me to a 14.0.3 download or update ?
Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Ralf, please see our previous response above concerning that question.
A couple of other users above have noted the same problem….
Trying to install PS 2019 on macOS and I constantly get the following error – “Installer was unable to access critical file/directory. Please try installing again. Error code: 41”
I have tried all the suggested fixes:
– Download link from Firefox/Chrome/Safari
– Disconnected from Internet during install
– Backed up all preferences and deleted all Adobe apps then ran “Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool’. Shut down and restart. Still same error message.
Lightroom will install. But Photoshop gives me the same error message every time, no matter what I do.
I am on macOS 10.14 (Mojave) which is as far as my machine can go in terms of OS.
Adobe support is no help.
Seems wrong to me that Adobe is insisting that I spend my life savings to buy a new machine, just so I can run PS.
Hey Joe, some readers have reported that error with CC 2019 over the years, but it’s pretty rare. Whether you are able to solve it may depend on your OS version, the particular configuration of your machine, etc.
First off, make sure you are running the installer with full Administrator rights on your computer.
Then, we’d suggest taking a look at everything given in the list of suggestions of this post and see if there’s something you can try.
You could also google the exact and complete text of the error message and see what else comes up.
For example, running the Adobe Cleaner Tool is how someone else solved that problem.
Here’s more info from Adobe on that error, if you need it.
Thanks for your response. Unfortunately, the 2019 Photoshop will not work under any circumstances, for me. Have tried everything suggested, including (twice) deleting all adobe apps and using “Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool” – and every time I get the Error 41.
Lightroom 2019 works, download from link above, no problem.
Photoshop 2018, works.
But there seems to be something wrong with the PS 2019 link. After downloading and opening the dmg, the ‘install’ option is there, but it’s grey. It opens if clicked on, and I can see it start, asks for my Adobe login details, but then the error message.
Apart from scrubbing the machine and a fresh install of OS, not sure what else to do. Have to admit defeat on this one unfortunately!
hi! Adobe animate cc 2019 won’t stay open. It opens for a second but then crashes and won’t open. Could it be because I have other newer suites already installed on the computer? Thanks!
Sorry, not sure – never heard that one before… Did you receive any error(s) or other messages?