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Adobe CC 2019 Direct Download Links: Creative Cloud 2019 Release

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1,152 thoughts on “Adobe CC 2019 Direct Download Links: Creative Cloud 2019 Release”

  1. Hi
    I’m trying to install Photoshop using your Photoshop CC 2019 installer on my iMac with High Sierra, but keep getting this message: “Error code 41: Unable to access a critical file/directory.”

    I have a current CC subscription that includes Photoshop but am unable to download the current version, as it doesn’t support my OS.

    I’m wondering if you can offer some advice (buying a new Mac is not an option and High Sierra is the latest OS mine can run).


  2. hey, i have seen you shutting people out about the password thing so i decided let me try and they are right, i tried fuse and there is a password request 😡

    • Sorry, not sure what you’re referring to… None of these offline installers have any password at all. They don’t now and never have.

      The links above go to the original files residing on Adobe’s servers, are guaranteed genuine, safe, legal, and will not change. They were not “uploaded” by us.

      So there is never any password on Adobe’s direct downloads, and you won’t be asked for one.

      If you are asked for one, then it must be from a non-genuine file you downloaded elsewhere, which we definitely do not recommend.

  3. Thanks. I really hope this saves my life. I downloaded 2019 premiere. However, the version is 13.0. I need 13.1.5 (the last version of 2019).

    Can you give me the directions ?
    (I’m an adobe full subscriber)

    • Hi, wish we could help. As you saw, these direct download links are largely the original base “2019.0” versions… There are no further updates available as standalone installers, as Adobe never provided them.

      However, the Creative Cloud 2022 direct links are now available – and are of course newer versions of the tools. Sorry, but that’s the best we can do.

  4. I tried to download this but after it launched and finished downloading, it automatically turned into the latest version of creative cloud instead of creative cloud 2019.

    • Which app are you referring to?

      Search the programs installed on your machine… If you installed one of the apps above, then it should be there – provided it completed installation successfully.

      It’s possible that the older version plus a newer release are both installed on your system.

    • I had installed the newer version previously but then found out that my computer was outdated, so I Uninstalled it and downloaded creative cloud 2019 desktop app instead but when I tried to launch it, it went through the download and installation phase but then it somehow turned back into the 2021 version. are there any invisible files that I should delete before trying to install an older version again?

    • OK, that explains it. You can’t get back to an older version of the Desktop app. That’s impossible, because as you noticed, Adobe auto-updates it on launch, which cannot be averted.

      The version given above is actually a direct download link to the latest release of CC Desktop, for that reason.

      Why do you want an older version of it?

    • I was trying to download an older version because the apps on the latest version of creative cloud do not support my version of mac os. I also tried to do the standalone installer for photoshop but I was greeted to an error code 41.

    • Sorry, not sure; what is the exact text (word-for-word) of the error message that you receive – and did you try googling that to find a solution?

      Nobody else has reported any issues, so we’d need more detail in order to help you out.

  5. I followed a link from kglad on the Adobe Support Communities, providing a link above to a free version of Bridge that doesn’t require Creative Cloud.
    However, when I installed, up popped Creative Cloud? Running forever and ever more in the background?
    I have an account with Adobe, I’m happy to use that account to download their free software – namely Bridge to use with my non-subscription-based Affinity software. Because Affinity doesn’t offer a similar package.
    But I’m not agreeing to the Adobe cloud. It’s incredibly annoying. It even pops up when I log into a Guest User account. Forever trolling in the background.
    I’m certain many other users would love to be done with the annoyance of CC – so if you might post a workaround if there is one? Given Adobe is linking directly here – probably help out a ton of folks?
    And I’m on a Mac. I’ve already got Apple. I don’t need Adobe on my case ;)

  6. I am trying to install Bridge 9.0 on my Windows 7 laptop. I keep getting the message:

    ” Update required
    Your browser or operating system is no longer supported. You may need to install the latest updates to your operating system. Learn more “

    …even though according to Adobe, this version of Bridge works on Windows 7! Obviously, Microsoft isn’t still updating Windows 7, but I have the latest version. Is there a workaround, please?

  7. Hi. Can I install the Creative Cloud 2019 version and use it to download & install all 2019 apps automatically without installing them one by one?

    • No, that’s not the way the Creative Cloud works. You always have to choose, download and install each application individually, whether using the latest release or older versions…

      With over 20 different tools that would take up a lot of space if all installed at once, Adobe decided it would be better for you to select which ones you want separately – because everyone is different and most people will not use every one of the apps.

  8. Hello, I have a membership in Creative Cloud, but I have to uninstall InDesign because it always crashes. Now, I cannot find a lower version on my CC App list, so I need to install a new version. But my macOS is not updated, so I still want to install the 2019 version of InDesign. Will this link work? For existing CC members? Will it still show in my Adobe APP list?

    • Sure, glad to help! Yes – like you, many customers still want or need to use older releases. For example, if your computer doesn’t support the most recent version, or if you need to use a prior release for compatibility reasons.

      Just be aware that any version older than the past two major releases will still run under your paid membership, but is officially unsupported by Adobe.

      So, right now the current release is CC 2022 and the previous release is CC 2021. Those are currently the two officially-supported versions. Anything older is not, but you can still run earlier CC revisions and Adobe will not force you off them.

  9. The photoshop link for 2019 seems to be not working? Is there another link that I could access? error message: (Error code 41).

    Let me know :)

  10. Hi, I’ve had some success with this.

    I tried a couple of things I found on the internet, but none worked.

    Bridge installed as did the cloud app, but PS and Lightroom didn’t.

    I recalled that the the cloud app updated itself after the install and figured out that this was blocking the other two. I uninstalled the lot and installed Bridge, PS and Lightroom without installing the creative cloud app. All worked and I’ve been using since. Thank you

  11. hello, i am currently trying to download adobe cc 2019 – i think 64 bit.

    i have a 7-day free trial on adobe cloud, and I have installed illustrator and ran the setup. now it’s saying “Your browser or operating system is no longer supported. You may need to install the latest updates to your operating system.”

    any idea how to fix this? do i need to install internet explorer 11? does it cost anything? or do i need to get an older version of illustrator? keep in mind, my laptop is 10 years old or so.

    • Hi James, if you’re getting this error:

      “Update required: Your browser or operating system is no longer supported. You may need to install the latest updates to your operating system.”

      or this error:

      “The installation cannot proceed as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again.”

      …then extract the files, turn off your Internet connection / disconnect the Wi-Fi, and try to install the software again.

      That usually works.

      If still no luck, then see this Adobe help page:

      Update your operating system to work with Adobe apps

      Does that help?

  12. Hey,
    I had downloaded photoshop cc 2019, but when try to install it says:

    “The installation cannot continue as the installer file may be damaged. Download the installer file again.”

    I tried it twice but the message is still coming.

    I have Windows 7.
    Please fix this.

  13. Good afternoon,

    Which is the exact release of the Photoshop and After Effects versions listed above?

    Thanks in advance,

    • Hi, you can see the primary version numbers by hovering over the direct links above…

      The downloads are for the original Photoshop version 20.0.1 and After Effects version 16.0.0.

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