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How to Get the New Adobe CC 2021 Direct Download Links

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How to Get New Adobe Creative Cloud 2021 Direct Download Links


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75 thoughts on “How to Get the New Adobe CC 2021 Direct Download Links”

  1. Article quote by ProDesignTools (from 19th paragraph above), “Adobe explains that focusing their efforts on…”

    Allow me, if you will, to make a correction in concluding your above (partially) quoted sentence:

    ‘Adobe explains that focusing their efforts on’ ensuring the offline installers are increasingly made difficult in obtaining, serves to bring customer relationship to an altogether higher level, by engaging directly with potentially new Creative Cloud subscribers (who wish to try out the latest CC by having to contact the often-clueless Adobe Customer Care team).

    Joking aside, after 7.5 years of CC and tardy releases of offline CC installers, I wonder if Adobe have actually learnt anything from the debacle that is offline installers. Surely in the time of COVID-19, one would have thought Adobe would prefer to furlough their team responsible for issuing offline installers, in favour of a DIY approach by releasing the standalone offline installer links in tandem with the official announcement of CC 2021 ?

    Perhaps Adobe naively believes the delayed release of the offline installers aids in the reduction of piracy ? Alas CC 2021 has been unofficially released 8 days ago – that’s just 5 days after Adobe officially announced the 2021 suite of software.

    It is in Adobe’s best interests to ensure the availability of the latest offline installers via URIs (HTTP download links) on or soon after the announcement of the next iteration of CC at the annually held fall/autumn MAX event, to avoid the now annual frustration of both current and new CC users who wish to use the latest and greatest CC suite. There will always be a minority who are willing to take their chances by searching for the latest illegal CC version, who may well become the victims of e-COVID-19 (digital virus/malware).

    As I recall from several years ago, ProDesignTools informed us that the tardiness of the offline installers was due to teething problems with Adobe’s new installation engine (as compared to the legacy Adobe CS). But after 7.5 years of CC, Adobe can no longer spin the same indefensible line. However, with Adobe’s Q2 2020 financial results released in September 2020 showing a 17% year-on-year growth in revenue from CC, and 22% from Document Cloud, I sense Adobe will not feel obliged to drastically alter their way of releasing the offline installers, for the revenue figures suggest Adobe is doing exceptionally well despite the economic recession and general gloom-and-doom, taking advantage and thriving in the new economic paradigm created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. Hello,

    I don’t know if this is the right place to share this, but I have discovered that on there is now a Lightroom starter plan that is free.

    From what I can see, it’s only for Australia and New Zealand right now.

    Also, just a note on the Creative Cloud for Teams Free Trial offer that is being talked about in this post, I may be wrong but it appears to be US only and not worldwide. Feel free to correct me though.


    • Good find, Daniel – thanks!

      As you discovered, the “Lightroom Starter plan is limited to AU/NZ only, subject to availability. The Lightroom Starter Plan gives you free core editing and organising tools, including access to over 90 presets, non-destructive raw editing, and a library of interactive tutorials — so you can create photos that look just the way you want. Built for photography. Capture, edit and share your photos all from one place.”

      We are going to look into this further.

      And good catch on the Teams free trial. We will update the information above.

      “The Creative Cloud for Teams trial is currently available only in the United States.”

    • We made the clarification to the post above. But even for folks outside of the U.S., there is still a way to try out the Teams plan at no cost…

      As noted in the article, Teams customers have access to the Admin Console, where you can create your own offline packages with the latest 2021 app installers to use wherever you want, on any computer, etc.

      Importantly, anybody can sign up to be a Teams subscriber (even if only for a single user, and even if just for a short period) in order to do this themselves, if and when needed.

      In other words, one possibility for someone who needs the absolute latest (fully-updated) 2021 versions is to sign up for a Creative Cloud for Teams plan, make the needed packages for yourself, and then cancel that account within 14 days for a full refund:

      Cancellation Terms

      You can cancel your subscription anytime via your Adobe Account page or by contacting Customer Support. If you cancel within 14 days of your initial order, you’ll be fully refunded. Should you cancel after 14 days, you’ll be charged a lump sum amount of 50% of your remaining contract obligation and your service will continue until the end of that month’s billing period.

      More details here:

      How to Exchange, Return, or Refund Adobe Software Products

      Note that a Teams subscription can be purchased even for just one single ordinary individual user, so it’s not necessary to have a company or group in order to get it… And that gives full access to the Admin Console in order to create any needed 2021 standalone installer packages.

      And again, this should work anywhere in the world where the Teams plan is offered.

  3. Hi,
    I was thinking of joining a course to get a Creative Cloud discount,
    Just to practice my skills, etc.

    I was wondering whether I could do this for a few months and then change the license when I am ready to get paid work?

    Also, is it possible to work offline and off the Cloud using CC?

    • Yes, and yes!

      Please see our guide here on how to get the discounted education version (which works normally in every way) for at least one year of use:

      How to Save 70% with the New Creative Cloud Student & Teacher Editions

      As for the CC tools and the Internet – you need to be connected briefly to initially activate the software installation, is all. You do not need a constant or ongoing Internet connection to use the Creative Cloud applications… There is only the periodic requirement to check the current status of your subscription, to make sure it is still valid.

      Once Creative Cloud is installed and you are signed in, you should be able have that computer fully offline for up to 99 days + one month, for annual subscriptions:

      CC Internet Connectivity, Offline Grace Period, and Reminders

      (These occasional checks only happen so that someone can’t sign up for their first month of Creative Cloud, then disconnect their computer, cancel their plan, and never pay again… That’s all.)

  4. Hi,

    I’m trying to follow the steps in the article for downloading the offline installers thru the CC for Teams trial, but it seems that website only lets me buy a subscription. Firstly the ‘learn more’ links in the free trial help document from Adobe’s website just take you to the main CC for teams page, and there doesn’t seem to be any way on that page to request a trial. Maybe it’s because I’m already a free CC subscriber, but I thought you were able to sign up for it regardless? I even jumped through the steps to checkout and it says that you’re charged immediately. Has anyone else had this issue?

    • Are you in the U.S.? If so, then you should be able to access the free 14-day Teams trial with no credit card required… If you can’t, then there may be some sort of glitch happening on Adobe’s site.

      Everything on Adobe’s free trial page still shows the offer intact:

      You can start a free Creative Cloud for teams trial with all apps for you and up to nine other team members for 14 days. You can invite and manage the trial licenses from the Admin Console. No credit card or payment details are required:

      < Start free trial >

      However, they’ve recently updated their page content to reflect the Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales – so they may have broken something in the process.

      We have sent an inquiry to see what’s going on, and we’ll report back here when we hear from the site engineers.

  5. Adobe got back to us about the Creative Cloud for Teams free trial. It is definitely still available.

    If you go to this page on Adobe’s site and select the “Business” tab, then you will be offered a free trial of the Teams plan for 14 days with no credit card needed:

    Creative Cloud All Apps Plan

    20+ desktop and mobile apps including Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, InDesign, XD, and more.


    – Admin Console
    – 10 seats per trial
    – Creative Cloud Libraries
    – Adobe Fonts, Adobe Color, and Behance
    – 14 days free
    – No credit card required
    – Trial expires automatically

    You can sign up for the Creative Cloud for Teams trial if you don’t have an Adobe account, have a free Creative Cloud membership, or have a paid individual subscription.

    If you do not convert your trial plan into a paid subscription, your trial expires after 14 days. However, you do not lose access to the Admin Console even after your trial expires. You can still sign in to the Admin Console at any time to create new or additional CC installer packages which you can download and install anywhere, for use with any Creative Cloud plan (including the Individuals plans).

    Again, the CC for Teams free tryout is currently offered in the U.S. only. We’re not sure if or when other countries will be included in the program.

    • That’s great, thanks for letting us know!

      Are you referring to getting the direct downloads from Adobe Customer Service, or the Creative Cloud for Teams free trial?

      If the latter, then you also get 10 free trial licenses so you can invite your teammates, plus ongoing access to the Admin Console to create offline installer packages at any time and with any apps you want.

    • Are you using Chrome? Please try another web browser like Firefox, Edge, Opera or Safari. No problems at all downloading with any of those.

      The latest version of Chrome has an issue because our page is https, but Adobe’s download server is not – it’s http only, and there’s nothing we can do about that!

      So with a “mixed content download” here, all you have to do is use a different browser. It’s safe and easily taken care of.

  6. how do i get the link for direct downloading adobe photoshop and illustrator…….pls make it for me, easy – just the link and the way…..

    • We here do not have the offline installers to give you, but Adobe does. If you contact Customer Care directly, they would be able to give you direct download links for the apps you’re looking for:

      However, all of the installer links that Adobe is issuing are specially coded to be time-limited and expire within 24 hours.

      One other option would be to get a free trial for Creative Cloud for Teams, which would allow you to create and download your own complete, fully-updated installer packages for the current and previous releases, any version… No credit card is required. More details here.

  7. Is there a limit on how many direct links you could request at Adobe? Otherwise I would say someone request them all for Windows and Mac an post those links here in one long list :-)

    • There’s no limit – however, all of the installer links that Adobe is issuing are specially coded to be time-limited and expire within 24 hours.

      So it’s a good question but it wouldn’t work, otherwise we would have already done that. Thanks for asking though!

    • George, are you a paid subscriber or a free trial user?

      If anyone’s having difficulty getting the 2021 standalone installers from Adobe Customer Service, then it could be because you are a free trial user and not currently a paid subscriber.

      But importantly, note that Adobe offers a 14-day money back guarantee on Creative Cloud subscriptions…

      Meaning that that anyone who purchases a new plan can get a full refund within the first two weeks after the initial payment is made, with no questions asked. In that way, Adobe would really have to provide the new direct download links because you’d be a paid subscriber at that point.

      In most cases, any plan cancellation can be made online without hassle. If you decide to continue your paid membership past the first 14 days, then the return period closes.

      We have requested and received all the new 2021 download links from Adobe Customer Service, as have thousands of our readers…

      So any subscribers who run into difficulty should simply try another agent who will give you the installers no problem. If you don’t get a positive response within the first few minutes of the chat, then insist on being connected to a supervisor or simply disconnect and repeat with someone else.

      Hope that helps!

  8. @ProDesignTools

    By ‘time-limited’, do you mean that the links will expire after 24 hours? Or that the downloaded installer wouldn’t work anymore after 24 hours?

    Otherwise I would suggest get the links, download them within 24 hours, upload them to links that don’t expire and make those links (that don’t expire) available. Or are the installers themselves limited to 24 hours? So that when I download one and try to install it next week it wouldn’t work anymore?

    • The direct download links that Adobe distributes by contacting Customer Service expire after 24 hours. The installers you download using those links do not expire.

      As for sharing the actual files themselves – sorry, we cannot copy, re-upload, or redistribute the installers in any way, as it is against Adobe’s terms of service and thus illegal.

      Generally it is also very unsafe to try to download and install any software that doesn’t come direct from Adobe.

      So the best way for readers to get the 2021 offline installers themselves is to use either one the two techniques described in the article above.

  9. I tried to get download links from Adobe support but they told me they only have links for 2019 and 2020 versions.
    (for Photoshop)

    • Hi David, welcome back.

      Sorry you got incorrect information. We’ve received the 2021 installers from them ourselves, as have many readers here…

      Try again with a different rep and let us know what happens.

  10. The Admin Console method either doesn’t work (at all) anymore, or access is eventually disabled. I used the method successfully in January, but logging back in today I get an error message saying ‘You don’t seem to have access to the Adobe Admin Console. If you think you should, please contact your system administrator.’ Does anybody else get the same message?

    • Not sure why you’re having difficulty. We have no problem and can still log into the Admin Console and build/download new packages, even though the free trial has expired.

      The only message we see is: “Your Creative Cloud All Apps trial has ended. Purchase licenses to give your team access to their favorite apps. Buy now”

      However, it’s no problem to still create new packages of standalone installers for almost any version of any recent Creative Cloud release.

      Is it possible you’re using a different login or Adobe ID than you used before?

      What happens when you try signing up for a free CC Teams trial with your Adobe ID now?

  11. Thanks for sharing these instructions.

    I’m not finding that the Trial allows for downloading the offline installers. From the Admin Console, it allowed me to download small installer DMG files for each app. Running that installer then downloads and installs Creative Cloud console on the computer, and from there I can install each CC application. But it is all handled from within the Creative Cloud application it installed.

    Is there a specific way to download an offline installer file for a specific CC application? Obviously doing it via Creative Cloud application provides no installer file at all.

    Thanks very much …

    • Yes, definitely! We’ve done it many times here. Just follow these instructions for making “managed packages” with offline installers for whichever Creative Cloud apps you want:

      How to Create a Managed Package with the Admin Console

      Just go to the “Packages” tab at the top, then click the “Create a Package” button – and make sure to choose the “Managed Package” option… That will produce an installer file that you can install onto any computer containing the apps and services you choose.

    • Are you on a Mac platform? It does work, but different to how it used to as there’s now an added step. The annoying and confusing thing is if you select Windows you will still get the installer as a zip directly; no extra/middle step is needed. For Mac, you used to get, for example, a 3GB dmg for Photoshop straight off the bat. That doesn’t happen anymore. You get something like a 2MB dmg. This is not the CC app. What you need to do is mount and run it, and that is the thing that actually downloads the full-sized 3GB dmg Photoshop installer for you.

    • Thanks, Budgy. Are you sure you’re selecting the “Managed Package” option? (not “Self-Service Package”)

      We have no trouble creating complete standalone installer bundles for macOS… Meaning, in your example, yes – a 3GB DMG download containing the entire Adobe Photoshop installer, or you can add any other 2021 apps you want.

      In other words, we find no difference between Windows and macOS. The Admin Console works fine for both, and is better than direct download links because all the latest updates are included. But “Managed Package” is what you want in both cases.

  12. “Managed packages to download the latest 2021 offline installers and/or previous versions – with updates included – for use wherever you want, on any computer.”

    Does this include previous installers for CC 2017 / 2015.5 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013?

    • Good question, Josh. Currently, you can download either the 2021 release or the 2020 release of any Creative Cloud app using the Admin Console that you gain permanent access to by trying out the Teams plan for free.

      Also, all applicable product updates are included in the downloads for these two most recent major releases.

      And again, even after the free Teams trial expires (if you do not subscribe), you can continue to create as many of these standalone offline installer packages that you wish… You get lifetime access.

  13. Is there a download version of Photoshop Elements 5.0? My computer died and I lost software including Photoshop Elements 5.0. I have the disc and license number, but no disc-drive.

    • Thanks, John. We haven’t heard or seen anything like that. We just tested a Teams free trial account (non-paying), and it is still able to create downloadable installer packages with no problem at all…

      So it should be possible and Adobe Customer Service may have given you inaccurate information – because you can’t truly try out the Teams platform without being able to create packages.

      Please try this. If you’ve already signed up for the free Teams trial (with 14 days free, no credit card required), then log into the Admin Console and select “Packages” at the top of the screen and then “Create a Package.”

      Under “Choose your deployment method,” be sure to select “Managed Package.”

      Then follow these instructions:

      How to Create Creative Cloud Offline Installer Packages

      Does that help?

  14. Thanks for the response. I tried your steps and several other methods, but the package that downloads is only 2 mb in size and states it is corrupt. I am in the US as well. I don’t know why it works for you. The Adobe rep I spoke with stated for certain trial users were not able to create offline installer packages. He did give me the links for some older versions though. I ended up using creative cloud on the desktop to update to the latest versions and download the packages though.

    • Thanks for your follow-up comments and glad to hear you got what you need. Are you sure you selected to create a “Managed Package” and not a “Self-Service Package”?

      “Managed” will create a complete (large) downloadable installation package, whereas Self-Service won’t. Self-Service is basically just the Creative Cloud Desktop app.

      If you selected Managed and still got a small download, well then that’s puzzling.

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