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Adobe to Discontinue Boxed Sales of Creative Suite (CS6) Software

[UPDATE (May 6th) – The next release is announced! Learn more about new Adobe CC.]

Adobe has just now confirmed what’s been going around as a rumor – that they will soon discontinue selling all boxed versions of Creative Suite 6 software…

Here it is direct from the company themselves:

… As Adobe continues to focus on delivering world-class innovation through Creative Cloud and digital fulfillment, we will be phasing out shrink-wrapped, boxed versions of Creative Suite.  Electronic downloads for Creative Suite products will continue to be available as they are today …

Adobe Creative Suite Soon Moving to All Digital Delivery

Now there’s been some confusion about this, so we’ll try to make it clearer:  This news does not mean Adobe will stop selling any of the traditional CS products, only that you will no longer be able to buy them in the form of a shrinkwrapped box package, physically hand-delivered via mail, courier, or store. Customers can continue to download their purchases instantly as most already do, saving on both shipping costs and the environment.

Why is Adobe doing this?  Besides not being green (discarded discs take 217 years to decompose), boxed software is static and costly to produce, manage, and deliver. In line with software industry trends, Adobe is focusing more on the Creative Cloud – which for an affordable membership rate, digitally delivers the entire Creative Suite and more to your desktop, and is always up to date with the latest upgrades.

Which products does this change affect?  Boxes will be phased out for all CS6 suites and individual products like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, etc., as well as Acrobat Pro/Standard – both commercial and education editions, on both Windows and Mac OS.  Download versions of these products will continue to be available.

Does it apply to resellers and retailers as well?  Yes – they will no longer carry boxes either.

When will this go into effect?  Not definitive but word has it on May 1st, 2013.

After that point, can you still get a hardcopy of your Adobe purchase if you want/need to?  Possibly, but not for CS6. We believe that Adobe will offer the option of a free disc set for the entire Creative Cloud, because not everyone has a strong or reliable connection to initially download it. This DVD would be delivered via the post without an elaborate box or packaging, and could be used to install or reinstall the CC software as needed.

But if you don’t have media, either for CS6 or CC – is there any way to back up or redownload the products?  Yes, you can make/burn an offline backup copy of the downloaded installers yourself, plus Adobe will keep the original software you ordered available in your online Adobe ID Account for at least three full years. With the Creative Cloud, you can redownload or reinstall your software at any time.

How can you reinstall or move my CS programs to another computer if you don’t have a disc?  Not a worry as your product downloads will be available online as per the previous response.

Will many customers be affected by this?  We don’t expect this shift to affect most customers because CD/DVD drives are rapidly disappearing on newer computers, plus the majority of customers already buy via digital download – either the Creative Suite or Creative Cloud.

Install now: Get all new Creative Cloud 2025 direct download links and free trials.

Read their statement: Why is Adobe discontinuing boxed copies of Creative Suite?

See Also

Get the New Creative Cloud 2025 Direct Download Links

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49 thoughts on “Adobe to Discontinue Boxed Sales of Creative Suite (CS6) Software”

  1. @shiz

    I’m talking about CS6, btw, not CC.

    But it does relate to CC as the fact that it’s out makes me wonder whether the public CS6 downloads will eventually disappear from their site as was the case with older versions, and the implications of that for those with boxed versions of CS6.

    Thanks again.

    • Hi Shiz, purchasers of boxed Adobe tools have never had online versions of their product available for download via their Adobe accounts, even after registering the software

      Nothing has changed there, either with or without the boxes.

      On the other hand, buyers who choose the download versions will have the online versions available in their Adobe ID accounts for at least three years.

      Nevertheless, the owner of any product is best advised to make spare backups or copies of their program installers, whether purchased via disc media or through Internet download.

      We also do have the direct download links for many Adobe applications and versions (the free trials), but there is no guarantee those will always be available in the future – so we would reemphasize the previous point.

  2. LadyJane:

    I never found any option to get a prepaid 1-year cloud subscription or any offer of that sort. But that would probably be more suitable for some if they could pay a year in advance.

    Update on this discussion:

    It seems Adobe has been listening to your feedback, because last week they announced a new 12-month pre-paid CC plan option, available direct and paid upfront one time.


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