It’s been about a year since Acrobat X (10) was released, and given Adobe’s typical two-year cycle with this product line, it will probably be another year before we see Acrobat 11 coming out… So in the meantime, we’ve put together a list of helpful questions and answers that have accumulated here and during sessions with Adobe.
Hopefully sharing this information below can help answer frequently-asked questions that you may also have about the product:
A: No – though it works on 64-bit operating systems.
Q: Is Acrobat X Pro fully compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit?
A: Yes – and Acrobat X version 10.1 now supports Office 2010 64-bit.
Q: Will there be a 64-bit version in the future?
A: I’m sure – we’re getting a lot of demand – no timetable though.
Q: can Acrobat 9 be installed together with Acrobat X on one PC? If so, that’s great news.
A: Yep!
Q: Can version 9 and X coexist on a Mac running OS 10.6?
A: Yes. we’re doing that at the moment!
Q: Can I read an Acrobat X file with Acrobat 9?
Q: Do you have a list of all new features in Acrobat X, versus earlier versions like 9 or 8?
Q: Is there an Acrobat X Pro Extended version, or just Pro?
A: Just Pro.
Q: What’s happened with the Pro Extended version in Acrobat X?
Q: a.k.a. Acrobat 3D…
A: Acrobat 3D is supported in Acrobat X, but you won’t find the features you saw in Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, e.g.: the 3D or geospacial tools.
Q: Do the version 9 shortcuts still work in Acrobat X?
A: Yes they do.
Q: Will all current Adobe add-ons work with Acrobat X?
A: They should.
Q: Adobe made some nice Portfolio templates for me, can I import them in X?
A: You won’t be able to use the .NAVs but your portfolios will work.
Q: Are user manuals available for us home schoolers who enjoy stimulating bedtime reading?
Q: Is there a PDF version of the documentation or only the ‘Adobe Help’ version?
A: You can usually find a PDF version for download via the
Adobe Help page – it’s generally at the top left of the window.
Q: When and from where can we download the trial version?
Q: Will there be a Mac version of the Acrobat X Trial coming?
A: No.
Q: Can guided actions be Reader enabled or do you have to have Acrobat?
A: Guided actions are used in Acrobat.
Q: Does Acrobat X further reduce the file size of scan documents?
A: You’re going to be surprised at the improvements in scanned files in Acrobat X. It has undergone some significant improvements.
Q: PDF Portfolios are cool and will work in Adobe Reader 9 and higher, is that correct? For using them, what is the current “penetration” of Reader 9 and higher out there?
A: We generally don’t share that information. If you’re concerned about people with lower versions of Reader not seeing your content, Acrobat X can export a Portfolio as a web site. All you need is a Flash-capable browser – no Reader required.
Q: Oh, OK – I thought you did, because I see Flash Player penetration numbers everywhere (like 99%), so I thought it might be the same with Reader. Does Reader now update itself with the same kind of technology as Flash Player then?
A: No – though we have changed the way that the updater works to make it more seamless.
Q: Thanks. On “Acrobat X can export any PDF Portfolio as a Flash-based website.” – that is really really cool!
A: No kidding. It’s quite amazing. Not only that, but it’s very quick.
Q: Does the Mac version of X support embedding Flash video?
A: Version 9 and X on Windows and Mac support embedded or streaming Flash video. We do it all!
Q: Okay but can a PDF portfolio, in general, be uploaded somewhere for sharing online? if it includes video?
A: Absolutely. Do you have an account at You can upload portfolios to that workspace and share them.
Q: That’s great. does the video that is embedded playback when the PDF portfolio is updated to
A: It depends on your user, not the file itself. If your browser opens a PDF file in Adobe Reader directly in the browser, then you’ll see it online.
Q: Can you edit the file now that it is Word?
A: Yes absolutely. It’s full text and images to do whatever you like.
Q: If I want to have a first page as a table of contents for a large documents will do that and if I edit will pagination change automatically?
A: You’d need to reauthor the file in your authoring application and recreate the PDF file.
Q: Does Acrobat X include a page flip feature to make portfolios appear more like e-books?
A: No. The way Portfolios work in Acrobat X doesn’t look like a book at all; switching pages in the documents is a simple fade or cut.
Q: Can you have an image on a folder (so you see the image rather than the folder icon)?
Q: Is reading mode by default in browser?
A: Yes – unless the file is set to have bookmarks or another panel open – then it opens in the regular mode.
Q: In the settings for the PDF, can you set it to open in regular mode (not reader mode)?
A: Reader mode is a user function.
Q: Will my animation in Powerpoint be “transported” into the PDF?
A: If you use the “Presenter” plug-in which is available in the Suite – not if you use the Acrobat ribbon.
Q: So the plugin is only available on Windows.
A: Yes.
Q: So embedding Flash in Word on a Mac does not work?
A: If you embed Flash in Word on a Mac, you aren’t working in Acrobat. You’re using Apple technology.
Q: 2011 Word?
A: The APIs on the Mac version of Office don’t exist for us to do that type of integration. We’d like to but we can’t.
Q: So ‘no’ is the answer?
A: Yes – No is the answer. But not for lack of will. The APIs just are not there.
A: Yes it certainly is. You don’t open LCD directly from Acrobat X though, as you saw in previous versions. You certainly can work in LCD for form creation and editing. But you don’t have a command in Acrobat itself to open LCD as you saw in previous versions of Acrobat.
Q: Exactly what role does LiveCycle Designer have with forms in Acrobat X? Is there a clear explanation of LCD and Acrobat and how they relate to one another?
A: LCD is a separate program. Acrobat forms are PDF-based forms you create in Acrobat X. You can open a form created in Acrobat, but you can’t open a form created in LCD for editing in Acrobat. In previous versions of Acrobat, you could click a command in the Forms menu to open LCD.
Q: Is LiveCycle Designer still shipping with Acrobat Pro? Is it a separate install?
A: Yes it does ship with Acrobat Pro X (Windows), and a separate install.
Q: That helps but I still am quite confused by LCD and Acrobat. I have Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. My understanding has been that I create forms in LCD. So what you are telling me now is that form creation can now be done directly in Acrobat X?
A: You have always been able to create forms in Acrobat itself, and it is the only option available for Mac users.
Q: Capturing from Chrome browser?
A: We don’t support Chrome yet.
Q: Where can we get the PDFmaker for Firefox on Mac?
A: It’s installed as part of the Acrobat X installation. And it works very well.
Q: Can it capture video also when you capture a web page?
A: It can – depends on how the video is streamed though.
Q: What is the educational cost for Acrobat X on Mac?
A: You’ll have to check the
Adobe Education Store site for the various costs for upgrades and full versions.
Q: Can third party plug-ins be integrated into the Action Wizard?
A: Of course.
Q: In version 9, I sometimes had problems with links in Portfolio. Is Acrobat X any more robust in that respect, for example, will it now recognize files imported after the Portfolio was constructed?
A: It depends on the type of link. External links, sure. If you’re linking from one file to another within a portfolio, you have to do that manually.
Q: With the
Acrobat X Suite, does it offer additional advantages over buying Acrobat X, Photoshop, Captivate etc separately? (aside from price of course)
A: Just price.
Q: I think the interface is like other Acrobat products and I like it already. Good job.
A: Glad to hear!!
Q: Are there any free tutorials or training for the new version?
Q: Thank you. Excellent. I’m headed over to check it out right now.
A: You’re going to enjoy the program, once you figure out how to get around.
What other questions do you have about Acrobat X? Just ask in the comments below and we’ll see if we can get them answered for you.
Or download a 30-day trial to run it free today and for the next month.
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Thanks for sharing, Tony!