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Win Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 or Elements 10 Bundle, Free!

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Win Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 or Elements 10 Bundle, Free!


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121 thoughts on “Win Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 or Elements 10 Bundle, Free!”

  1. I would like to see more filters for PSE and easier upload of actions. Also I do not like the upgrade only from last version — these products are quite pricey to begin with with a large learning curve – you just start getting things figured out and its time to upgrade, or go back to square one with pricing.

  2. Photoshop is perfection itself, but if only half of us could keep up with the technology. Yes it is explained fully, but only those with the ability to keep up with its rapid rapid progress benefit.

    Speaking for myself and perhaps many others, a simplified and I mean simplified handbook or even monthly magazine for those who like myself get left behind and consequently have no idea of the new advanced tech.

    It’s quite embarrasing when people say how wonderful Lightroom is for example, when you have no idea what they are talking about. It may well be straightforward to learn but if you have not reached that phase yet, it means very little.

  3. I really, really, REALLY want to see the deblur tool added to the next edition of Photoshop, or Elements, or Lightroom, or all three. Out of focus is a lost cause, but I have had many camera shots that were properly focused, but camera movement ruined the shot. This would a life saver for klutes like me!

  4. Lightroom has a white balance tool which works very well. However,when working in Photoshop, there isn’t any. Why not have a dedicated tool in Photoshop that will make it easier to perform white balance?

    I haven’t used Elements in many years, but possibly it may need the same tool.

  5. In Lightroom 4, the two features that would be great would be the ability to create panorama pictures and content-aware fill/spot removal.

  6. I’d like to see Lightroom bundled with all Photoshop and Creative Suite purchases – for FREE. Why are the professional purchases stuck with Bridge and a second purchase for the few unremarkable features in Lightroom?

  7. Improvements in gradient editor (stops sometimes doesn’t align properly when 2 stops have same position and gradient have stripe),
    more options in Brush right click or context menu like Flip, use same settings as for previous brush,
    hide options bar in fullscreen mode,
    Filters panel with most common filters like Sharpen, Remove Noise, Blur, Render…
    save as .ico,
    export or save as .swf,
    live corner or corner options for shapes,
    improvements for Mini Bridge (starts slowly),
    more options in Character panel like Drop cap,
    good snapshot feature for Photoshop and at least more layer style options, Pen tools and to record actions in Photoshop Elements.

  8. Photoshop CS5 is an amazing tool, the new content-aware fill has saved me hundreds of hours of work. What I would like to see in Photoshop CS6 is more control over smart objects and a user friendly, Photoshop Elements-like batch processing tool. Actions are great, but I would like to see a separate menu like in PE 9/10 where I can resize and add watermark to a batch of photographs without creating a separate action for each style.

  9. I would love to see Lightroom’s purple and orange sliders integrated into Photoshop’s selective color (and hue/saturation) adjustments. That is a simple feature that would make color adjustment much easier. Of course, fixing more of their compatibility bugs would be nice, too.

  10. In Lightroom 4 I’d like to see ability to make the vignette effect movable (in other words: layered, not centered-only). The camera movement reversing action (some kind of deblurring/anti-shake) would be also a nice feature.

  11. I’d like to be able to customise my workspace more. In PSE10 for instance (which I have) I would like skins options and more sizing options for the workspace. I want to move to dual screens like I have at work – is there any way to dock one of the views to one screen and leave the others on the other screen?

  12. Getting used to Lightroom when you were a long term user of PSE is not an easy transition. But you’ve done it, Lightroom is really far more productive than PSE. You get development done faster than in PSE.

    Nevertheless, you have to go to CS5 (or PSE 9/10) when you need complex masking or erasing objects (the fantastic) healing brush. This is a cumber­some process and you waste time for communication to establish back and forth.

    So, the dream would be to have an healing brush in LR4 or even better the content aware replacement. Having layers in LR4 is obviously another wish but I understand it is another dimension as with Layers come all the very sophisticated selection tools, the selection management and the blending. So, close to CS5. Maybe just add what is available in PSE which is already quite sufficient for 97.5% of the tasks.(lol)

    Thanks for asking.

  13. I like to see Adobe Flash (.flv) and Adobe Flash Video (.f4v) supported file formats (import) in Adobe Premiere Elements. Also a way to remove a solid logo from a video.

    A way to save fillable forms in Adobe Reader :)

    Thanks for asking.

  14. I would like Adobe to add Linux support for the Creative Suite.

    Possibly add a feature similar to content aware delete feature currently in Photoshop for Premiere.

    Possibly a pick your own package similar to the suite, the more applications you add, the larger the discount.

    Better file management and organization tools for Lightroom.

  15. For an aging user – simplify numerous confusing products with much overlap and under usage by making single all in one product.

    Also introduction of regular newsletter/magazine to keep updated on changes to product.

  16. For CS6, I have a marketing and retail suggestion rather than a technical one, coming from the point of view of an animator. Instead of or in addition to specialized bundles/editions of the products, I’d like an option to buy a two-, three-, or more bundle of the products of my choice.


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