We originally ran the story below in October after a new Dehaze/Defog capability was sneak-peeked at Adobe MAX… It was our favorite of the show! Now, we have some great news: Adobe worldwide evangelist Terry White just confirmed this will actually be a real feature coming soon in the new CC 2015 release of creative tools. Here’s his video demo:
Dehaze will in fact be included in both Lightroom CC 2015 and Photoshop CC 2015 as part of Adobe Camera Raw. All complete Creative Cloud members as well as Photography Plan subscribers will automatically receive this update at no extra cost as soon as the new version is available. Note that Dehaze is not included in Lightroom 6.
And it’s now confirmed! The official release date for CC 2015 is on June 16th.
Read on below for further details about this cool new tool, plus some amazing before-and-after screenshots:
SAN JOSE, Calif.—October 17, 2014—At the big annual MAX conference last week, Adobe revealed 13 sneak peek videos of technologies they are working on but haven’t released yet. Naturally, the company says there are never any guarantees for what may or may not appear in a production release, or when… But nevertheless, major new product features very often appear in these previews before they make the real tools (cases in point: Content-Aware Fill, Perspective Warp, and Image Deblurring).
Here is how Adobe describes the sesson:
“We’ve gone through the company and found the 13 coolest demos of technology that are at work within Adobe. These are things that are on the cutting edge of the technology. They may show up in a product, they may not. The demo may work, it may not. But this is your chance to get closer and really understand where we’re going and what we’re doing.”
The curtain raised on this year’s MAX Sneaks with host Joseph Gordon-Levitt, acclaimed actor, director, screenwriter and film luminary, and Ben Forta, senior director at Adobe, sharing more than a dozen projects crossing the creative spectrum of photography, design, 3D, video, web, online communities and more.
Our Favorite Sneak – Image Dehaze/Defog
There were many impressive previews but one which really stood out was Photoshop Defog/Dehaze. With a single click you can easily remove fog or haze from a photograph, dramatically improving image details and color saturation without using or needing any masking. Check out this hazy before-and-after shot of the Grand Canyon:
Pretty impressive with just the snap of a finger… Here’s the full video demo of the new technology where you can see it in action, plus some more before-and-after photos following below:
In some cases, this kind of correction could be done in Photoshop CC now by accomplished users with work using curves and levels adjustments, but it is not something many people would be able to fix or accomplish easily – and certainly not as quickly as what you see here.
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Photoshop Dehazer/Defogger – More Before-and-Afters
This capability can either add or remove fog in an image – and in this next photo, fog is reduced to give the textures more clarity and pop:
Plus this filter technique can even correct backlit photos – images which look hazy from losing detail due to the angle of the sun:
Lastly, this example shows you can even use the technology to enhance your underwater shots to make them much more vivid and clear:
How to Get This Actually Shipping?
So the next question is how to get this to be an actual shipping feature available in the production Photoshop or Lightroom? The answer lies in social media… Adobe says they are counting all tweets and shares with the hashtag #defog…
So if you want to see this capability becoming a reality on your desktop, just tweet and share this post to indicate your support and cast your vote with that hashtag!
Check Out All the Other Amazing Sneaks from Adobe MAX
There were many other mind-blowing new technologies demoed during the MAX Sneaks session – including changing the time of day in an image (Photoshop), a new-paradigm Visual Speech Editor (Premiere/Audition), turbocharging the early stages of the design process with Project Layup (InDesign/Illustrator), modeling and visualizing physical 3D spaces (Photoshop), seamlessly removing “ahs” and “ums” from video speech footage (Premiere/Audition), and several other cool features for Illustrator.
You can watch all the sneaks here – then follow it up with over 185 hours of free training and tutorials from the conference sessions, now available online and on-demand!
See Also
- Get free guide on Photography, Photoshop, Lightroom
- What are the differences between Adobe CC vs. CS6?
- Download free Adobe books (choose over 30 titles)
- How to save 60% with the Student & Teacher Editions
- Free Adobe Stock! Download 1,000,000+ top images
- Don’t need full Cloud? Get PS + LR for $9.99/month
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Ok. I’ll say it. Wow.
There is already a plug-in called De.Haze by EVEnX.com available for Photoshop.
Hi Kate, that’s great – but wouldn’t it be even better to have a full Adobe version already built into Photoshop, as a no-cost upgrade?
tres cool – can’t wait to play with it !
After updating both Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC, they do not show the DeHaze feature?
Hey Alan, that’s a great question. Most of the new CC 2015 downloads are out – but not yet Lightroom 6.1 / 2015.1, which includes the new Dehaze/Defog tool…
See this forum discussion for more details:
Can’t see new Lightroom dehaze slider?
We are keeping an eye on it and will update more here as we learn more!
Looks like the new software is all pushed out now and you should now see the Lightroom updates!
can you give me the link which shows how to apply dehaze in after effects cc2015 ???
as you know that both photoshop and after effects need camera raw 9.1 update
please give me link:)
Yes, we have now added the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw to our lists of CC 2015 update links (Windows and Mac).
Not sure if the new Dehaze tool/filter can be used in After Effects CC – we’ve only seen it employed in Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC.
Where can i find the DeHaze tool for lightroom cc and photoshop cc, because I can’t find it
Hello Hans, if you have CC then you definitely will have the new Dehaze/Defog function. If you purchased Lightroom 6 instead, then it’s not included. See:
What Are the Differences Between Adobe Lightroom CC vs. LR6?
If you purchased CC but don’t see the Dehaze filter, then try signing out of the application (Help menu > Sign Out), and then signing back in again with your Adobe ID – and it should be there for you.
Hope that helps!
Tres = 3
Très = very
I have been experimenting with the Dehaze features for video and timelapse use, and the results has been quite fascinating. Please check out the video and article below.
The new Photoshop CC 2015 and Lightroom CC 2015.1’s Dehaze tool works quite well with photos, so I wanted to explore the possibility of using it in a video sequence. For those who don’t know, a camera raw sequence can be animated, amongst other cool things, using LrTimelapse software.
The clip below shows Dehaze gradually generating or removing haze in various lighting conditions. As you can see, the effect doesn’t work well with some scenes, especially the ones with complex foreground and haze/clouds in the background and vice versa. Only if Adobe released Local Adjustment Dehaze.
This video is only for experimentation purposes. Most parameters are kept unchanged to better portray the effects of the Dehaze tool. FYI, adding haze will be overexposed, so Exposure and Whites are needed to compensate. Dehazing will increased vibrance, saturation and darkness in shadows, so the same tools are used to reverse those side effects.
Since Photoshop and Lightroom haven’t incorporated Dehaze into the Graduated filter and Brush, it is incredibly hard to pre-visualize the outcome (in motion) without spending lots of time and effort on it. Don’t get your hopes up, after all it only took Adobe 4 versions to finally release the Black and White sliders as local adjustment tools.
The idea of using Dehaze to add and reduce haze in video and time lapse is definitely possible for both enhancement and creativity purposes, albeit the tedious workflow. (But hey, aren’t all timelapsers and cinematographers immune to this?) Using the tool straight up works OK but, from the results, having some sort of animated masking, in After Effects, would add more realism. I will be testing more in the future, including multiple layers of variable amounts of animated haze. These should make the outcome a little more convincing.
If you are interested in sharing this video with the community, please feel free to do so.
That’s terrific, thanks for sharing Sept!