You are currently browsing this article's comments (below). If you would like to read the full story, then you can see the complete post here:
“What’s the Difference: New Adobe CC 2015 vs. CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3?”
Compare Versions: What's New in CC 2015 Release vs. CS6 & Older?
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I am once again glad you pointed out that Encore is not updated for CC. However, along with most other comments made about the Encore situation, you glossed over one important fact about its availability. Yes CS6 Encore is available….but Adobe only commits to compatibility with Windows 7 SP1….In fact, they explicitly say that they will not support it after Windows 7 SP1. Which really is… now. So if you have patches on top of SP1 or have moved on to Windows 8, at some point it will break. And probably soon.
So instead of enjoying all of the wonderful cloud apps, many video professionals are deciding whether to move to the cloud or keep CS6, or if moving to the cloud, looking at the competitions menu authoring software which is discouraging if you have just purchased a shiny new suite upgrade.
I hope that prodesigntools and other professional websites help video users advocate for a change of direction here and at least a commitment to keep Encore working along with the rest of CS6 programs on upcoming OS updates.
Hi BB, thanks for sharing your thoughts. We haven’t tried it ourselves yet, but have heard that Encore CS6 works fine on Windows 8.
In fact, Adobe even gives instructions for how to install it on Win 8, even though it is not technically supported.
There have been plenty of cases where major Adobe products were not “officially” supported on certain Microsoft operating systems – recently Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6 were not supported on Windows Vista, but that didn’t prevent thousands of people from using them with no problem there nonetheless.
From what we’ve heard, it’s usually a case of allocating scarce testing resources to “bless” a particular version of the o/s (especially with an older product), rather than something not explicitly working. Bottom line, nothing appears broken so it may not be as worrisome as it might seem.
Hope this helps!
PS – Here’s an overview on the workflow for Premiere Pro CC w/ Encore CS6:
Thanks. However, it is more than a little worrisome when everyone is already being asked to buy into an entire new infrastructure and path forward.
I have seen that workflow video on how to use CS6 Encore with CC Premiere Pro referenced many times. You also lose dynamic linking which, well, is also a little worrisome and is not just a “blessing thing.” So this makes the Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator analogy not work so well, as both at least ran with full capabilities on Vista. You did not lose anything like perhaps not being able to link from Photoshop to Illustrator or something. With Encore, we are losing functionality out-of-the-box with dynamic link now gone. How hard would have it been to tweak to keep that????
It just does not seem right to have to pony up for a shiny new 2013 Creative Cloud car to drive somewhere……then you are made to switch cars to drive home and you have to “hope for the best” because you are driving an old used Encore car that is “not offically supported.”
IMHO the MINIMAL thing to do is “officially” support Encore for as long and on whatever OS’s CS6 is supported on. The RIGHT thing to do would be to bring Encore up to the same level as the other 30+ programs we are hearing about in trying to sign people up for CC. Somehow I think Adobe could siphon off one or two programmers to help Encore limp along, especially when you consider the cost of moving to an entirely new architecture. Perhaps if they had not worked on adding a few programs to CC that even fewer will use than use Encore, they could have budgeted for an Encore upgrade. :)
Anyway, keep up the good work! I know as an affiliate the official position must be kept in mind. However hopefully the input of the users will also be considered.
Very helpful article indeed.
Hello, I am a student at Saint Petersburg College in Clearwater, FL. I have been using Flash CC and Illustrator for the trial period, but I was wondering if I could get and additional 30 days to keep using the products.
I plan on purchasing them soon, but I cannot afford it at this time and I need these to complete my class projects. I know it is a lot to ask, but I really have no other option.
Thank you for your time,
Yes Daniel, in fact you can effectively get up to 60 days of free product use with no final cost…
See how here:
How to Double Adobe Free Trials to 60 Days Long, Instead of 30 Days
Adobe: Provide more plans! A design plan including Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign for $25 to $30 would be essential.
Single app prices are very expensive and if choosing 3 apps costs $60.
Hey Stereo, that wouldn’t happen – no one would ever spend $60 because you can get all of the applications & services (almost everything Adobe makes) for the all-in-one price of $49/month.
If you just need Photoshop (and Lightroom) then that’s $9.99 a month, through the Photography Plan… Then you can add any additional tool (like Illustrator or InDesign) for $19.99 a month.
So this means you have get 2-3 apps for under $30. If you need more, then you’d simply get the complete bundle with everything for $49 (all prices U.S.).
I see you unperson’ed Bone Tool, Deco Tools, etc. from Flash CS4-CS6. Sneaky little bitches.
So if one wants three apps that’s not Lightroom or Photoshop one needs to get the complete bundle for $49 a month.
I’m sorry but that’s outrageous.
Why? You’re talking potentially thousands of dollars of software with the old model, which would be static with no upgrades included.
With the new CC model, you’re getting over $10,000 of new products – almost any and all Adobe applications you want, with all upgrades included – for $49 a month instead.
These two articles help compare your current options:
Adobe Buying Guide: CC or CS6 – Which Should You Get?
Adobe Creative Cloud vs. Creative Suite 6: The Pros & Cons
Thanks for your sharing. I just bought a student photoshop cs6 extended, it is really awesome
I already have Lightroom 5 and i just need to subscribe to Photoshop. Is that possible with the new Photoshop CC?
Yes, definitely Cornelius… With the Creative Cloud Photography Plan, you can download/use any or all of the applications provided. Those include Photoshop CC 2014, as well as Lightroom 5 for desktop plus Lightroom Mobile. All ongoing upgrades are included in your membership.
And if you already have the perpetual version of Lightroom 5 then you can keep using it, or you can easily switch it over to the Creative Cloud release (same functionality) and get future LR upgrades for free. It’s entirely up to you.
In either case you still get the full Adobe Photoshop (the Extended release) – which used to sell for $999 upfront plus $349 for upgrades – for $10 a month, integrated with Lightroom.
All right, Now I Know what is different, It’s a very great system.
When to compare one and another is looking clear.
The 3D function may be in the software it can’t be used on older machines without 512 Vram or the integrated on-chip equivalent. It feels like game of leapfrog among software and hardware companies, and I’m getting jumped…
Hi Brian, having a graphics card with minimum 512MB VRAM has been a requirement for Photoshop since PS CS6 Extended came out in early 2012, and that’s the way it has stayed… (See the official CS6 System Requirements)
So really, this isn’t new and hasn’t changed recently. In fact, the latest release Photoshop CC 2014 has the same memory requirements (with 1GB VRAM recommended but not mandatory).
The good news is most modern graphics cards have significantly more than this. GPUs offering least 2GB VRAM have been pretty much standard the past couple of years.
If you have a card that does not have at least 512MB then it would likely be from ~5 years ago or older, which is quite a long time in hardware technology.
Which is best for graphics designer and art work, Photoshop CC2014 OR CS6?
Please tell me full features to add-ins and tell me strictly no compromises
No question Arry, Photoshop CC 2014 beats Photoshop CS6 all the way around… It’s smoother, cleaner, faster, more capable, more powerful, and does a lot of things the older releases didn’t. At this point we wouldn’t want to ever go back to the old 2012 version (which is when CS6 came out).
In the What’s New in Adobe CC 2014 table in the article above, you’ll find detailed links to all the differences, new features, performance improvements, interface optimizations, and other enhancements in the successive releases.
I am a newly retired career and technology teacher. I have Adobe CS3 installed on my home computer but have several flash drives full of files created on Adobe Master Collection CS5.5 (which is the software I taught with at school).
Primarily I used InDesign (love, love, love) and Photoshop CS5.5. Are there any “free” downloads of this software I may have access to?
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Tammy T.
Greetings Tammy, CS3 won’t be able to read those CS5 files, but the newer CS6 or CC releases could…
Check out the following guide for more details:
Can You Open/Save Adobe CC Files on Old CS Versions, and Vice Versa?
To get the latest software, you can easily download a trial of CC 2014 (the current Adobe creative release) and then run it fully for free for up to 60 days.
Hope that helps!
I currently have CS6 Design and Web Premium for my Mac. If I already own this version what kind of prices would I be looking at to simply upgrade to the CC versions of the programs I already have?
I need to be able to use the software on my PC laptop as well and occasionally need to actually use them at the same time in order to view/work on several projects related to each other without having to continuously switch through screens. I guess I don’t completely understand the idea of CC to begin with other than to be able to get it on more than one computer…
Hello Amy, these two articles should answer all your questions:
Get a 40% Discount on Adobe CC with Your CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6 Upgrade
How Many Systems Can You Install and Run Creative Cloud On?
hello, okay I have the “cloud” on my PC, not a Mac…anyway, why is it that when updates are ready, I keep having issues updating my apps? I am removing the cs6 version, because I do have the cc versions, but I am worried that I may not be able to update properly, if I do. any help would be awesome.
Hey Earlene, you don’t actually need to remove CS6 if you’re installing CC (if you don’t want to) – because the two releases can coexist side-by-side on the same machine and run independently.
If you’re having any difficulties updating the CC software, then you can simply download and apply the latest patches yourself using these links:
All Adobe CC 2014 Updates: Direct Download Links for Windows
All Adobe CC 2014 Updates: Direct Download Links for Mac OS
I want to take my drawings and scan them onto the screen to manipulate them digitally. What should I be studying and using?
Photoshop, definitely! It is the world’s leading digital image editing tool, and can do whatever you want with it. You can get the latest-and-greatest version now (Photoshop CC 2014) for as little as $9.99 a month in the CC Photography Bundle, together with Lightroom.
PS – If you’d like to get started right away, then you can just download the trial (which is fully-functional), and then install & run it for free on your computer for up to 60 days…
You then should be able to digitally manipulate your artwork no matter what scanned format you put it in.
For help in learning how to best use the software, feel free to check out our collection of free Adobe books.
i have downloaded adobe photoshop cc 2014 but not installed yet , i dont want to pay anything , can i have its full free virsion for lifetime , i can firewall its connectivity , for not to updating , is there any way for that?
No, sorry Arshdeep – we can’t help you with that… If you’re looking for “Adobe software cheap” or trying to get full versions for free somehow, then that’s a really bad idea and we strongly advise against it!
Anyway, Adobe recently has dropped the price of Photoshop CC 2014 (together with Lightroom) down to less than $10 a month, which is much more affordable for many people than paying $1,000 upfront as was the past.
Hi, I have a MAC desktop at Home – use CS6 suite,
and a Windows 8 laptop, I use to at school – no Adobe yet.
I am a student & a retiring teacher and I would like to use Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat on both platforms. I am not producing commercial output.
I am currently, simply teaching and putting together student notes and exercises, with screen shots etc using Indesign CS6, PhotoShop & Illustrator & Acrobat for interactive pdfs etc.
What is the cheapest way to use Adobe Software – InDesign, PhotoShop, Illustrator & Acrobat on both of my separate computer platforms?
I have been using Adobe products & teaching these products for many years. I am no longer able to afford the high cost of Adobe software, but I would like to keep current.
What is the cheapest way to buy/use Adobe software for both platforms together?
I have been supporting Adobe software & products for many years, from way back when PageMaker was replaced by Quark, then InDesign, so I have been around for a long time.
Now I need Adobe’s cheapest options. Please advise me the best option for me.
Also if my internet goes down, will the Cloud software still work?
Welcome Debbie, first off we’d advise reading this about Creative Cloud – see in particular Myths #2 and #3 to answer your question about the Internet connection:
The 10 Most Common Myths About Adobe’s Creative Cloud (CC)
The two options you can buy from Adobe are CS6 (from 2012, perpetual license) or CC 2014 (current version via subscription only). We put together this guide to compare them:
Adobe Creative Cloud or Creative Suite 6 – Which Should You Buy?
And if you check out this side-by-side table, you’ll see that with CS6 you cannot install a single license on both PC and Mac computers – whereas with CC, you can mix-and-match operating systems:
Compare Your Options: Adobe CC vs. CS6, The Pros & Cons
For students and teachers such as yourself, you receive a substantial discount off of the regular price, no matter which path you choose… This overview gives all the details on how to get the discount:
How to Save 65-75% with Adobe’s Student & Teacher Editions
Hope that helps answer most of your questions!
Hi, Debbi again –
Also wondering, what happens when I am no longer a student or teaching and I have used my student/teacher email to validate?
Once I retire from teaching and am no longer a student, I will no longer have a student/teacher email address. How do I get updates and messages in the future with no .edu email address in the future?
Yes, great follow-up. With CC, you retain the lower education pricing for as long as you remain a student or teacher. This revalidation process comes up one time each year on your annual renewal date. If you no longer qualify in any year, then the same tools & services would be available with a regular plan and price.
With CS6, you need to qualify for the academic discount only once, up front when you purchase the product – and the license does not expire but of course the price is higher and the software is older, and won’t be updated or upgraded any further.
For more details on Adobe’s education offerings and how they’re different from the regular versions, see:
What Are the Limitations of the Adobe Student & Teacher Editions?
how can i buy the ongoing discount for photoshop cc + lightroom, i am a nigeria?
Hi Sam, it appears that Adobe is not yet offering Creative Cloud in the country where you live… The list of where CC can be purchased is now 94 countries and always growing larger.
However, if you have a billing address and form of payment (including PayPal) that is based in any one of those covered countries, then you should still be able to purchase CC direct – even if your home address is elsewhere…
[Note that your Adobe ID needs to be associated with the same country as your credit card or billing address, so if it isn’t then you may have to create a new Adobe ID.]
Finally, while not everyone has access yet, Adobe tells us they continue to work to expand the availability on an ongoing basis – so look for still more countries to be added going forward (and don’t forget that Creative Suite was never sold everywhere either).
I am using Photoshop cc 2015. It’s very smooth and faster. So I think Cc 2015 is better than Photoshop CS6.
Photoshop cc 2015 is the perfect for any designer cause it is very smooth and faster. o I think Cc 2015 is better than Photoshop CS6. Thanks a lot
I am currently using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. My boss and I recently purchased new computers and have been trying to transfer this software to our new ones and can’t seem to figure it out. We do not have the original installation disks or the serial number because our predecessors purchased this and we can’t find them in the office.
Do you have any way of transferring it or could you tell me pricing on purchasing a new version if we can’t transfer?? I have looked all over the Adobe website and googled everything I can think of to figure it out but haven’t come across anything. Not sure if this message board is the right place but thought I’d see if anyone knew anything!
Hi Nadine, you could try these steps.
Direct Download Links for Adobe Acrobat – Different Versions
(Acrobat 9 and 8 are at the very bottom, with Acrobat X.)
How to Move Adobe Software from One Computer to Another
However, please keep in mind that that program is very old, way unsupported and hasn’t received any security or other updates in many years!
So really, we’d recommend the smarter option being to check out the latest version instead:
Introducing the All-New Adobe Acrobat DC
Thanks! I’ve since purchased a newer version of Acrobat. Didn’t realize how old it was until just after my post.